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IDS peak 2.10.0 / uEye+ firmware 3.34

IDS Peak comfortSDK, genericSDK, IPL, and AFL developer manuals are external documents. Please contact us if you need them.

Fig. 303: AI-assisted image processing in IDS peak (main program)

Fig. 303: AI-assisted image processing in IDS peak (main program)


Open CNN

peak_inference_handle hInference = PEAK_INVALID_HANDLE;
status = peak_Inference_CNN_Open(filepath, &hInference);


Read out CNN information (optional)

peak_inference_info info;
status = peak_Inference_CNN_Info_Get(hInference, &info);

peak_version cnnFileVersion = info.fileVersion;
const char* lighthouseID = info.lighthouseID;
uint64_t creationTime = info.creationTime_s;
const char* projectName = info.projectName;
const char* netName = info.networkName;
peak_inference_type inferenceType = info.inferenceType;


Get range of confidence threshold (optional)

status = peak_Inference_ConfidenceThreshold_GetRange(hInference, &min, &max, &inc);


Set confidence threshold (optional)

status = peak_Inference_ConfidenceThreshold_Set(hInference, threshold);


CNN image processing (acquisition thread)

See Getting inference results


Close CNN

status = peak_Inference_CNN_Close(hInference);

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