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The region of interest (ROI) is also referred to as area of interest (AOI), image detail or cropping.
With ROI, the camera's image size is cropped to the relevant region. The ROI can be defined, setting a smaller image width and height, compared to the sensor dimensions. The relative position of the ROI compared to the original image is configured using offsets in X and Y direction. The available increments for width, height and offsets depend on sensor and camera model, see the corresponding data sheet.
Fig. 15: Dimensions of sensor and image ROI
There are several sources where the ROI can be generated:
•Sensor ROI:
Sensor ROI typically increases the maximum frame rate, since only the relevant parts of the image are read out, processed in the camera and transferred to the host PC.
Some sensors support vertical ROI (reducing the height), some also horizontal ROI.
Even if the camera does not support a sensor ROI, most uEye+ cameras support a ROI definition. The FPGA in the camera drops the irrelevant pixels and only the defined ROI is transferred to the host PC. The maximum frame rate can only be increased, if the limiting factor is the bandwidth.
•Software ROI:
The image size can also be decreased with software, using suitable image processing libraries.
Refer to the respective data sheets for more information on a specific camera model.