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Enables the inclusion of the selected chunk data in the payload of the image.
With ChunkSelector and ChunkEnable you can control which information should be included in the chunk data. To activate chunk data, you must set ChunkModeActive to "True". |
Name |
ChunkEnable[ChunkSelector] |
Category |
Interface |
Boolean |
Access |
Read/Write |
Unit |
- |
Visibility |
Expert |
Values |
True |
Standard |
Availability uEye+ |
Availability uEye |
- |
Values description
•True: Enables the selected chunk.
•False: Disables the selected chunk.
•By activating chunks, the required memory size for each buffer changes and thus the PayloadSize (see Preparing image acquisition: create buffer). This means the buffers have to be created or recreated afterwards. •If chunks are activated, the access to the properties of the buffer object (Width, Height etc.) is not possible. Alternatively, you can use the corresponding camera nodes in this case. Note, however, that these nodes always display the current settings and not exactly the settings of a previously captured image (frame). |
Code example
// For using ChunkEnable set ChunkModeActive to false
// Set ChunkModeActive to false
// Before accessing ChunkEnable, make sure ChunkSelector is set correctly
// Set ChunkSelector to "ExposureTriggerTimestamp"
// Determine the current status of ChunkEnable
bool value = nodeMapRemoteDevice->FindNode<peak::core::nodes::BooleanNode>("ChunkEnable")->Value();
// Set ChunkEnable to true
// For using ChunkEnable set ChunkModeActive to false
// Set ChunkModeActive to false
// Before accessing ChunkEnable, make sure ChunkSelector is set correctly
// Set ChunkSelector to "ExposureTriggerTimestamp"
// Determine the current status of ChunkEnable
bool value = nodeMapRemoteDevice.FindNode<peak.core.nodes.BooleanNode>("ChunkEnable").Value();
// Set ChunkEnable to true
# For using ChunkEnable set ChunkModeActive to false
# Set ChunkModeActive to false (bool)
# Before accessing ChunkEnable, make sure ChunkSelector is set correctly
# Set ChunkSelector to "ExposureTriggerTimestamp" (str)
# Determine the current status of ChunkEnable (bool)
value = nodeMapRemoteDevice.FindNode("ChunkEnable").Value()
# Set ChunkEnable to true (bool)