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You can configure IDS peak Cockpit to save images with automatic file names. If you enable the option, no "Save as" dialog opens and the image is saved directly.
You configure the image names in the "Image saving" tab.
Fig. 252: Settings for image saving
•Automatic image file names
Enables saving with automatic file names.
Here, you specify the location for the files.
•File name
In this field, enter the file name, which will be supplemented by an index counter, date or time.
Select if the image will be saved in BMP, PNG or JPEG format.
•Add image counter
Adds or removes an index counter to the file name. You can reset the index to 0 with "Reset counter".
•Add date
Adds or removes the acquisition date (format: YYYY-MM-DD) to the file name.
•Add timestamp
Adds or removes the acquisition time (format: hh-mm-ss) to the file name.
•Preview the file name including variable components like counter, date or time.
•Automatic image saving
Each captured image is automatically saved.
•Stop automatic saving after X images
You can limit the number of images saved automatically.