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Returns the mean runtime of control channel read commands since the device was opened. The runtime is the time between sending the command and receiving the acknowledgment.
Name |
ControlChannelReadRuntimeMean |
Category |
Interface |
Integer |
Access |
Read |
Unit |
ms |
Visibility |
Expert |
Values |
unsigned int 4-byte |
Standard |
Availability uEye+ |
Availability uEye |
- |
Code Example
// Determine the current ControlChannelReadRuntimeMean
int64_t value = nodeMapLocalDevice->FindNode<peak::core::nodes::IntegerNode>("ControlChannelReadRuntimeMean")->Value();
// Determine the current ControlChannelReadRuntimeMean
long value = nodeMapLocalDevice.FindNode<peak.core.nodes.IntegerNode>("ControlChannelReadRuntimeMean").Value();
# Determine the current ControlChannelReadRuntimeMean (int)
value = nodeMapLocalDevice.FindNode("ControlChannelReadRuntimeMean").Value()