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Sets the automatic focus control. If enabled, the optic device shall be set into a mode of operation, where the lens automatically finds the best possible focus.
For FocusAuto, you can use the sub-region "AutoFeatureFocusAuto" to specify on which image detail to focus (see SubRegionSelector).
Name |
FocusAuto[OpticControllerSelector] |
Category |
Interface |
Enumeration |
Access |
Read/Write |
Unit |
- |
Visibility |
Beginner |
Values |
Off Once Continuous ContinuousSingleScan |
Standard |
Availability uEye+ |
Availability uEye |
Values description
•Off (default): Automatic focus is disabled. You can use FocusStepper to set the focus manually.
•Once: The focus is adapted once by the device. Once it has converged, it returns to the "Off" state.
•Continuous: The focus is constantly adapted by the device to maximize the dynamic range.
•ContinuousSingleScan: The focus is detecting scene changes and triggers a single scan if there are sufficient changes.
uEye cameras: This feature is only supported by UI-1007XS Rev. 1.1 and UI-1007XS. |
Code example
// Before accessing FocusAuto, make sure OpticControllerSelector is set correctly
// Set OpticControllerSelector to "OpticController0"
// Determine the current entry of FocusAuto
std::string value = nodeMapRemoteDevice->FindNode<peak::core::nodes::EnumerationNode>("FocusAuto")->CurrentEntry()->SymbolicValue();
// Get a list of all available entries of FocusAuto
auto allEntries = nodeMapRemoteDevice->FindNode<peak::core::nodes::EnumerationNode>("FocusAuto")->Entries();
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<peak::core::nodes::EnumerationEntryNode>> availableEntries;
for(const auto & entry : allEntries)
if ((entry->AccessStatus()!=peak::core::nodes::NodeAccessStatus::NotAvailable)
&& (entry->AccessStatus()!=peak::core::nodes::NodeAccessStatus::NotImplemented))
// Set FocusAuto to "Off"
// Before accessing FocusAuto, make sure OpticControllerSelector is set correctly
// Set OpticControllerSelector to "OpticController0"
// Determine the current entry of FocusAuto
string value = nodeMapRemoteDevice.FindNode<peak.core.nodes.EnumerationNode>("FocusAuto").CurrentEntry().SymbolicValue();
// Get a list of all available entries of FocusAuto
allEntries = nodeMapRemoteDevice.FindNode<peak.core.nodes.EnumerationNode>("FocusAuto").Entries();
List<string> availableEntries = new List<string>();
for(int i = 0; i < allEntries.Count(); ++i)
if ((allEntries[i].AccessStatus() != peak.core.nodes.NodeAccessStatus.NotAvailable)
&& (allEntries[i].AccessStatus() != peak.core.nodes.NodeAccessStatus.NotImplemented))
// Set FocusAuto to "Off"
# Before accessing FocusAuto, make sure OpticControllerSelector is set correctly
# Set OpticControllerSelector to "OpticController0" (str)
# Determine the current entry of FocusAuto (str)
value = nodeMapRemoteDevice.FindNode("FocusAuto").CurrentEntry().SymbolicValue()
# Get a list of all available entries of FocusAuto
allEntries = nodeMapRemoteDevice.FindNode("FocusAuto").Entries()
availableEntries = []
for entry in allEntries:
if (entry.AccessStatus() != ids_peak.NodeAccessStatus_NotAvailable
and entry.AccessStatus() != ids_peak.NodeAccessStatus_NotImplemented):
# Set FocusAuto to "Off" (str)