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Controls the LED selected by LEDSelector.
There are different situations where the LED always signals the default state:
•While the camera is booting, the LED always signals the default state.
•If the camera status is not selected for the status LED and an error occurs, the LED switches to the camera status and signals the error. After troubleshooting, you must disable the blinking of the camera status again.
•Note that camera status messages about reduced speed for USB3 cameras, e.g. when connected to a USB 2.0 port, or an invalid IP address for a GigE camera are not signaled as errors. This means that these cases are not signaled when you manually control the LEDs.
This feature is supported by the following camera families: •GigE uEye+ Warp10 (status and network LED) •GigE uEye+ CP Rev. 2.2 (status LED only) •GigE uEye+ FA Rev. 1.2 (status and network LED) •GigE uEye+ SE Rev. 4.2 (status and network LED) •USB 3 uEye+ CP Rev. 2.2 (status LED only) •uEye+ SE USB 3.1 Gen 1 Rev. 1.2 (status LED only) •uEye+ LE USB 3.1 Gen 1 Rev. 1.2 (status LED only) •USB 3 uEye cameras (status LED only) •USB 2 uEye SE (status LED only) |
Name |
LEDTriggerSource [LEDSelector]. |
Category |
Interface |
Enumeration |
Access |
Read/Write |
Unit |
- |
Visibility |
Beginner |
Values |
BlinkingFast BlinkingSlow CameraStatus NetworkStatus Off |
Standard |
Availability uEye+ |
Availability uEye |
Values description
•BlinkingFast: The selected LED blinks permanently fast.
•BlinkingSlow: The selected LED blinks permanently slowly (uEye+ cameras only).
•CameraStatus: The selected LED signals the camera status.
•NetworkStatus: The selected LED signals the network status (GigE cameras only).
•Off: The selected LED is disabled.
Code example
// Before accessing LEDTriggerSource, make sure LEDSelector is set correctly
// Set LEDSelector to "LEDStatus"
// Determine the current entry of LEDTriggerSource
std::string value = nodeMapRemoteDevice->FindNode<peak::core::nodes::EnumerationNode>("LEDTriggerSource")->CurrentEntry()->SymbolicValue();
// Get a list of all available entries of LEDTriggerSource
auto allEntries = nodeMapRemoteDevice->FindNode<peak::core::nodes::EnumerationNode>("LEDTriggerSource")->Entries();
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<peak::core::nodes::EnumerationEntryNode>> availableEntries;
for(const auto & entry : allEntries)
if ((entry->AccessStatus()!=peak::core::nodes::NodeAccessStatus::NotAvailable)
&& (entry->AccessStatus()!=peak::core::nodes::NodeAccessStatus::NotImplemented))
// Set LEDTriggerSource to "Off"
// Before accessing LEDTriggerSource, make sure LEDSelector is set correctly
// Set LEDSelector to "LEDStatus"
// Determine the current entry of LEDTriggerSource
string value = nodeMapRemoteDevice.FindNode<peak.core.nodes.EnumerationNode>("LEDTriggerSource").CurrentEntry().SymbolicValue();
// Get a list of all available entries of LEDTriggerSource
allEntries = nodeMapRemoteDevice.FindNode<peak.core.nodes.EnumerationNode>("LEDTriggerSource").Entries();
List<string> availableEntries = new List<string>();
for(int i = 0; i < allEntries.Count(); ++i)
if ((allEntries[i].AccessStatus() != peak.core.nodes.NodeAccessStatus.NotAvailable)
&& (allEntries[i].AccessStatus() != peak.core.nodes.NodeAccessStatus.NotImplemented))
// Set LEDTriggerSource to "Off"
# Before accessing LEDTriggerSource, make sure LEDSelector is set correctly
# Set LEDSelector to "LEDStatus" (str)
# Determine the current entry of LEDTriggerSource (str)
value = nodeMapRemoteDevice.FindNode("LEDTriggerSource").CurrentEntry().SymbolicValue()
# Get a list of all available entries of LEDTriggerSource
allEntries = nodeMapRemoteDevice.FindNode("LEDTriggerSource").Entries()
availableEntries = []
for entry in allEntries:
if (entry.AccessStatus() != ids_peak.NodeAccessStatus_NotAvailable
and entry.AccessStatus() != ids_peak.NodeAccessStatus_NotImplemented):
# Set LEDTriggerSource to "Off" (str)