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IDS peak 2.14.0 / uEye+ firmware 3.42

IDS Peak comfortSDK, genericSDK, IPL, and AFL developer manuals are external documents. Please contact us if you need them.

The following instructions are based on Ubuntu and Debian distributions and can differ for other systems.

Enabling Jumbo Frames

You can increase performance significantly if you maximize the Ethernet packet sizes (MTU - maximum transfer unit) of your network interface. Your whole network infrastructure (e.g. switches) should support this Ethernet packet size, otherwise the maximum possible size will be used.

Typically you can use the "NetworkManager" to configure the MTU of your network.

1.Open the "Network Settings".

2.Edit the "Wired" (or "Ethernet") connection for your camera.

Fig. 60: Edit "Wired" settings

Fig. 60: Edit "Wired" settings

3.Switch to the "Identity" (or "Ethernet") tab.

4.Find the property "MTU" and enter the maximum possible value.

Fig. 61: Edit MTU settings

Fig. 61: Edit MTU settings

Optimizing network stack buffer sizes

The default Linux network stack is not optimized for transferring large amounts of data. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the internal buffer size of the UDP network stack to improve camera performance and avoid packet loss. Note that this increases the buffer sizes only at the endpoints. If you are using switches or other network infrastructure this might not have an effect.

To increase the network stack buffer size for UDP edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file. Add or edit the following lines:


This sets the maximum buffer size to ~25 MB, whereas the default buffer size is usually 128 KB.


In the folder opt/ids_peak_[version]_[arch]/local/scripts respectively /usr/local/, there are scripts for the installed Debian package. Here, you will find a script which is capable of adding these lines automatically. Run it with "sudo":

sudo /usr/local/scripts/


sudo /opt/ids_peak_[version]_[arch]/local/scripts/

Note that the script will not change the values if the entries are already present but it will tell you to check your values manually since they might already be higher than the 26214400 bytes.

For the changes to become effective you have to reboot the system.


If you are unsure if increasing the network stack buffer sizes enhances your network performance, you can temporarily change and test it with the commands:

sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=26214400

sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=26214400

Configuring network interface for link-local

If you want to use link-local, you first have to configure your connection accordingly.

Typically you can use the "NetworkManager" to enable link-local.

1.Open the "Network Settings".

2.Edit the "Wired" (or "Ethernet") connection for your camera.

Fig. 62: Edit "Wired" settings

Fig. 62: Edit "Wired" settings

3.Switch to the "IPv4" tab.

4.Enable the "Link-Local" property as "IPv4 Method".

Fig. 63: Edit link-local settings

Fig. 63: Edit link-local settings

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