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IDS peak 2.14.0 / uEye+ firmware 3.42

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The AcquisitionFrameRate feature configures the speed of the image acquisition in freerun mode.


You can directly define the frame rate:

AcquisitionFrameRate = 10.0;

Or you can use AcquisitionFrameRateTarget.

AcquisitionFrameRateTarget = 10.0;
AcquisitionFrameRateTargetEnable = True;

For more information, see Freerun.


Note that AcquisitionFrameRate has no increment property.

Querying frame rate properties: Current value

frameRate = AcquisitionFrameRate.Value;

Querying frame rate properties: Maximum

The frame rate is limited by ExposureTime. Especially for short exposures, the time for readout must be considered, too.

With non-overlapping frames:

With overlapping frames:

If ExposureTime is much longer than the time needed for ReadOut, the AcquisitionFrameRate is approximately reciprocal to ExposureTime.

You get the current maximum of the frame rate by reading the maximum property of AcquisitionFrameRate.

maxFrameRate = AcquisitionFrameRate.Maximum;

Querying frame rate properties: Minimum

You get the current minimum of the frame rate by reading the minimum property of AcquisitionFrameRate.

minFrameRate = AcquisitionFrameRate.Minimum;

Dependencies to other features: Bandwidth

Some camera models allow to capture frames faster than they can be sent (continuously) over the data link. You can check if your framerate allows for continuous acquisition by comparing it with DeviceLinkAcquisitionFrameRateLimit.

frameRate = 160;
continuousFrameRate = min(frameRate, DeviceLinkAcquisitionFrameRateLimit.Value);
AcquisitionFrameRate = continuousFrameRate;

If your frame rate is limited by the bandwidth of the data link, you can achieve higher frame rates by decreasing the data that is sent out by your camera, e.g.

choose a RAW PixelFormat instead of RGB or BGR color format

choose a PixelFormat with lower bit depth

use a ROI

use the Decimation or Binning feature to decrease the resolution of your image


DeviceLinkAcquisitionFrameRateLimit is an optimistic value, assuming that the rest of your imaging system also supports the bandwidth. Other hardware components like switches or hubs can lead to performance drops so that this frame rate cannot be transferred flawlessly.

Dependencies to other features: PixelFormat

The chosen PixelFormat can affect the frame rate range rate because it can influence the internal timing of the camera.

The PixelFormat has significant influence on DeviceLinkAcquisitionFrameRateLimit because the PixelSize (bits per pixel) can range between 8 bit up to 32 bit (from the camera), see the tables in Image color formats (PixelFormat). Images with same resolution and same frame rate can use up to 4x bandwidth, if you do not carefully choose the PixelFormat.

Dependencies to other features: Binning and decimation

Binning and decimation, when calculated in the FPGA, mainly affect the resolution of the image and therefore the transferable frame rate (see Optimizing the bandwidth).

Some camera models support sensor binning or decimation. Then, also the maximum frame rate can rise.

Dependencies to other features: ROI

Most sensors support ROI, at least in one direction. Then, also the maximum frame rate can rise.

Some sensors do not natively support ROI. In this case the maximum frame rate does not improve. Only the transferrable frame rate can increase due to less resolution of the image (see Optimizing the bandwidth).

Additional information

IDS peak topics

Setting the framerate

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