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The majority of IDS Vision models have opto-isolated inputs/outputs that can be used e.g. for triggering the camera and for flash control. Some models have general purpose I/Os (GPIO) instead, or in addition.
The inputs and outputs of the respective camera families are described in the technical manual of the respective camera family.
Digital input line
Models with optocoupler input or general purpose I/Os (GPIO) can use the digital input to generate an internal signal in the camera. This signal can be used for different purposes, e.g.:
•trigger the image capture (hardware trigger)
•control the exposure time (trigger controlled exposure)
•start or stop an acquisition
•activate or de-activate the PWM (PWMTriggerSource)
You can also:
•count the number of pulses (CounterEventSource)
•start or reset a counter (CounterTriggerSource, CounterResetSource)
•start a timer (TimerTriggerSource)
Fig. 79: Digital input line (LineMode = Input)
If you want to use a general purpose I/O (GPIO) as input, you have to set the LineMode accordingly.
LineMode = Input;
Digital output line
The digital outputs can be used in both freerun mode and trigger mode.
Applying different signals to the output line, you can e.g.:
•control a flash (Flash configuration)
•synchronize the acquisition of multiple cameras (Synchronizing cameras using digital I/Os (master-slave))
•monitor the acquisition status ("AcquisitionActive")
•react when the camera captures an image, e.g. stop a movement during exposure ("ExposureActive")
•monitor the status of counters or timers
•set a static line status ("UserOutput")
Fig. 80: Digital output line (LineMode = Output)
If you want to use a general purpose I/O (GPIO) as input, you have to set the LineMode accordingly.
LineMode = Output;
Note on I/O pinning and circuits For I/O pin assignment and circuit information for your camera model, refer to the technical manual of the respective camera family. |
Setting a constant line status
You can set a constant LineStatus using the UserOutput feature. Set the LineSource of the selected line to "UserOutput0" (or any other "UserOutput").
LineSelector = Line2;
LineMode = Output;
LineSource = UserOutput0;
When you set the boolean value of "UserOutput0" to True or False, the LineStatus will also be switched.
// Select the UserOutput that is used as LineSource
UserOutputSelector = UserOutput0;
// Set Line2 to HIGH
UserOutputValue = True;
// Set Line2 to LOW
UserOutputValue = False;
When using UserOutputs as LineSource, you can use all available features for line configuration like LineInverter and LineNoiseFilterEnable.
Monitoring the line status
You can read the line status directly from the LineStatus feature. "LineStatus = True" corresponds to level HIGH, "LineStatus = False" to level LOW.
This method is only suitable for slow changes of the line levels, e.g. if you set a constant LineStatus through the UserOutput feature.
LineSelector = Line0;
currentStatus = LineStatus;
You can also be notified by events, when the line status changes. Activate the corresponding events for the line that you want to monitor, here "Line0". You can be notified by either rising or falling edges or both.
// Activate event notification for rising edges on Line0
EventSelector = Line0RisingEdge;
EventNotification = On;
// Activate event notification for falling edges on Line0
EventSelector = Line0FallingEdge;
EventNotification = On;
Fig. 81: Camera events on rising or falling edges of input or output lines
Most camera models support events for monitoring the line status. |
Additional information
Camera feature reference |
IDS peak topics |