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IDS peak 2.14.0 / uEye+ firmware 3.42

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Depending on the programming language, you may have to close the camera handle explicitly or the camera is closed automatically if the camera object is no longer referenced.

IDS peak comfortC

In C, you must explicitly close the camera handle.


peak_camera_handle hCam = PEAK_INVALID_HANDLE;

IDS peak genericC++

By using shared pointers in C++, the camera is automatically closed when there is no longer a reference to the shared pointer, e.g. when the function structure ends in which the shared pointer was created. Alternatively, the shared pointer can be destroyed directly.


auto device = deviceManager.Devices().at(0)->OpenDevice(peak::core::DeviceAccessType::Control);

IDS peak genericC#

In C#, the camera object implements the IDisposable interface of .NET. To close the camera, you must call "Dispose()" on the object. You can either do this manually or call a using statement. The camera object is destroyed at the end of a using statement.

IDS peak genericPython

In Python, you must destroy the reference to the object, either by going out-of-scope or by explicitly overwriting the variable.

genericPython - explicitly overwriting

device = device_manager.Devices()[0].OpenDevice(ids_peak.DeviceAccessType_Control)
device = None

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