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ids_devicecommand provides you with information about all available camera settings via the GenICam interface and allows you to configure the camera directly. This tool is intended for expert users.
Open ids_devicecommand in a command line prompt (Windows PowerShell or Linux Terminal) so that you can pass the required parameters.
#------------------------------------------------------------------# | IDS Device Command | | Copyright 2017-2022 | | IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH | #------------------------------------------------------------------# IDS GenICam Device Control Tool Common options: -h [ --help ] Produce help message. --usage [=arg(=0)] Print usage examples (detail level 0=Beginner, 1=Expert, 2=Guru). -v [ --version ] Print version string. --wait-timeout arg (=0) General wait timeout in ms. (Considered by chosen functions only!). -V [ --verbose ] arg (=1) Set verbosity level (-3=Silent, -2=Output, -1=Error, 0=Warning, 1=Info, 2=Extra). --stop-on-error [=arg(=0)] Stop on Error and do not close the console immediately. Cti selection: --cti arg Select cti file (e.g. --cti "Path/tl.cti"). --cti-dirs arg Select cti search directories (e.g. --cti-by-type "Path/folderWithcits"). --cti-by-type arg Select cti by type (e.g. --cti-by-type "MIXED" or "GEV" or "U3V"). --cti-by-vendor arg Select cti by vendor name (e.g. --cti-by-vendor "IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH"). --list-ctis List ctis. --cti-info Print cti info for all detected ctis. Interface selection: --list-interfaces List interfaces --interface-by-id arg Select interface by id (e.g. --interface-by-id "IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH GigE Vision Ifc@90-E2-BA-B4-02-19"). --interface-by-type arg Select interface by type (e.g. --interface-by-type "U3V" or "GEV"). -M [ --interface-by-mac ] arg Select GigE Vision interface by mac (e.g. -M "00:1b:a2:20:09:0c"). -I [ --interface-by-ip ] arg Select GigE Vision interface by ip (e.g. -I ""). Device selection: -L [ --list-devices ] List devices. -l [ --list-all ] List interfaces and devices. -u [ --device-by-user-name ] arg Select device by user defined name (e.g. -u "camera"). -s [ --device-by-serial ] arg Select device by serial number (e.g. -s "4103114690"). -m [ --device-by-mac ] arg Select GigE Vision device by mac (e.g. -m "00:1b:a2:20:09:0c"). --device-by-ip arg Select GigE Vision device by ip (e.g. --device-by-ip ""). --device-by-id arg Select device by id (e.g. --device-by-id "IDS/GV-526xFA-C/4103114690"). --device-by-model arg Select device by model name (e.g. --device-by-model "GV-526xFA-C"). --wait-for-devices [=arg(=1)] Wait until number of devices becomes available. One may specify a wait timeout by the option --wait-timeout, floored to 500ms. Device Commands: --factory-reset Restore factory settings. --reset-to-runtime Reset to runtime firmware. --reset-to-service Reset to service firmware. --wait-for-device Wait for device to be visible. One may specify a wait timeout by the option --wait-timeout, floored to 200ms. Nodemap Commands: --list-urls List urls. --download-url [=arg(=0)] Download url content file. --settings-from-file arg Load device settings stored in the given file (e.g. --settings-from-file "Path/settingsFile"). --settings-to-file arg Store device settings in the given file (e.g. --settings-to-file "Path/settingsFile"). --select-user-set arg Select user set which is loaded or stored to/from given file (e.g. --settings-to-file "Path/settingsFile" --select-user-set "Linescan"). The current camera settings are overwritten. -n [ --node ] arg Select node by name (e.g. -n "DeviceModelName"). --get Get node value and print it (e.g. -n "ExposureTime" --get). --set arg Set node value (e.g. -n "ExposureTime" --set "14000"). --set-range-factor arg Set numeric value by the range factor (0.0 => set minimum, 1.0 => set maximum e.g. -n "ExposureTime" --set-range-factor "0.0" sets the minimum exposure time). --inc Get node value increment (e.g. -n "ExposureTime" --inc). --min Get node value maximum (e.g. -n "ExposureTime" --max). --max Get node value minimum (e.g. -n "ExposureTime" --min). --execute Execute node (e.g. -n "AcquisitionStart" --execute). Register Commands: --register arg Select register address (e.g. --register "0x8002311c"). --read Read register (e.g. --register "0x8002311c" --read). --write arg Write register (e.g. --register "0x8002311c" --write 32). FileAccess Commands: --list-device-files Displays available FileSelector values --select-device-file arg Choose which file should be read/written (e.g. --select-device-file "UserData2"). By default, the currently selected file is used. --device-file-from-disk arg Load a file from disk at <arg> and store it on the device at the selected FileSelector (e.g. --device-file-from-disk "Path/filename.ext"). --device-file-to-disk arg Load a file from the device at the selected FileSelector and store it on disk at <arg> (e.g. --device-file-to-disk "Path/filename.ext"). If the file at <arg> already exists, it is overwritten. --device-file-delete Delete the selected file from the device.