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IDS peak 2.10.0 / uEye+ firmware 3.34

IDS Peak comfortSDK, genericSDK, IPL, and AFL developer manuals are external documents. Please contact us if you need them.

You have to provide the acquired images to the auto control to make it work. To do this, use the "peak_IPL_ProcessFrame" function after receiving the images with "peak_Acquisition_WaitForFrame". If the IDS peak IPL is used exclusively for auto control, the "peak_IPL_ProcessFrameInplace" function can be used to avoid copying the image data unnecessarily.


peak_status status = PEAK_STATUS_SUCCESS;
status = peak_IPL_PixelFormat_Set(hCam, PEAK_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB8);
if (PEAK_ERROR(status)) { /* Error handling ... */ }
peak_frame_handle hFrame;
peak_frame_handle hResultFrame;
while (running)
  status = peak_Acquisition_WaitForFrame(hCam, 5000, &hFrame);
  if (PEAK_ERROR(status)) { /* Error handling ... */ }
  status = peak_IPL_ProcessFrame(hCam, hFrame, &hResultFrame);
  if (PEAK_ERROR(status)) { /* Error handling ... */ }
  // release original image
  status = peak_Frame_Release(hCam, hFrame);
  if (PEAK_ERROR(status)) { /* Error handling ... */ }
  // if IDS peak IPL is needed only for auto features, you can use peak_IPL_ProcessFrameInplace()
  // do something with the processed image
  // release processed image
  status = peak_Frame_Release(hCam, hResultFrame);
  if (PEAK_ERROR(status)) { /* Error handling ... */ }

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