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This chapter contains the descriptions of all supported features from the Signal Multiplier Control category.
Name |
Signal Multiplier Control |
Category |
Root |
Interface |
Category |
Access |
Read |
Unit |
- |
Visibility |
Expert |
Values |
- |
Standard |
Availability uEye+ |
Availability uEye |
- |
Signal Multiplier Control enables synchronous freerun, which means image acquisition synchronized with PTP control at an adjustable frame rate. In synchronized freerun, the cameras are synchronized via PTP, with the Signal Multiplier selected as TriggerSource.
The Signal Multiplier function generates internal signals based on a reference signal and distributes them equidistantly within the period of a reference signal. This reference signal is defined in SignalMultiplierSource and is currently the PPS signal. This means that the Signal Multiplier generates a defined number of signals with equidistant intervals within the period of the PPS signal. The number of internal signals that are generated within the period of the reference signal is defined in SignalMultiplierValue.
Fig. 210: Signal with Signal Multiplier Control
To activate the Signal Multiplier use SignalMultiplierEnable.