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Returns the number of lost frames due to queue underrun. This number is initialized with zero at the time the stream is opened and incremented every time the data could not be acquired because there was no buffer in the input buffer pool. It is not reset until the stream is closed. Corresponds to the STREAM_INFO_NUM_UNDERRUN command of "DSGetInfo" function.
Note: The name StreamLostFrameCount corresponds to the designation according to GenTL SFNC. Unlike this, the node was called StreamUnderrunFrameCount in previous versions of the Camera feature reference.
Name |
StreamLostFrameCount |
Category |
Interface |
Integer |
Access |
Read |
Unit |
- |
Visibility |
Expert |
Values |
0 …4294967295 Increment: 1 |
Standard |
Availability uEye+ |
Availability uEye |
Code Example
// Determine the current StreamLostFrameCount
int64_t value = nodeMapDataStream->FindNode<peak::core::nodes::IntegerNode>("StreamLostFrameCount")->Value();
// Determine the current StreamLostFrameCount
long value = nodeMapDataStream.FindNode<peak.core.nodes.IntegerNode>("StreamLostFrameCount").Value();
# Determine the current StreamLostFrameCount (int)
value = nodeMapDataStream.FindNode("StreamLostFrameCount").Value()