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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1


Master gain is digitally calculated on the sensor and may cause artifacts. Instead use RGB gains first (e.g. by setting a minimum value in the Auto white balance function).

The sensor does not allow changes of exposure time while in trigger mode. If is_Exposure() is called in trigger mode, the sensor will temporarily switch to freerun. This results in a longer delay time (depending on the frame rate) at function call.

Sensor speed does not increase for effective horizontal resolution <256 pixels.

Changing the frame rate in trigger mode has no effect. The maximum possible exposure time cannot be increased in this way.

With horizontal 4x binning, a dark column appears at the right-hand image border, which is caused by the sensor.

For hardware reasons, the sensor can not perform more than 3x vertical binning. When 4x or 6x binning is activated in the uEye software, the driver uses a combination of binning and subsampling instead. Therefore, the image will not become brighter when 4x or 6x horizontal binning is activated.

The brightness of the first and last line might deviate due to the sensor.

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