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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

Navigation: D: Specifications > Camera and sensor data > UI-158x/UI-358x/UI-558x

Application notes UI-158x/UI-358x/UI-558x

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Use of the global start function slightly reduces the maximum possible frame rate because the sensor needs to be run in trigger mode.

At very long exposure times (> 100 ms) and minimum gain, the white level may not be reached. The gain should be increased by one step in this case.

For hardware reasons, the sensor can only perform 3x vertical binning. When 3x horizontal binning is activated in the uEye software, the driver uses 3x subsampling instead. Therefore, the image will not become brighter when 3x horizontal binning is activated.

Live color display with color correction and debayering with big filter mask results in high CPU load (see Color filter (Bayer filter)).


It is recommended to use a high-resolution megapixel lens.

Black level

It is recommended to leave the black level on the default setting "Auto". In manual mode, the black level can be set to negative values which may cause the image to become worse.

In manual mode, a change of the black level (offset) has an immediate effect on the image.

GigE uEye CP Rev. 2/GigE uEye FA/GigE uEyeSE Rev. 4 / Rev. 4.2

If binning or subsampling is activated, additional pixel clocks are available.

GigE uEye LE

In case of a reconnect (network connection is interrupted and reconnected while the camera is still powered on), the camera will continue to capture images. After reconnect, these images are counted as "transfer failed".

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