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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

Sensor, pixel clock

If an image capture is running (is_CaptureVideo()) in freerun as well as in trigger mode, changes on the capturing parameters (such as exposure or gain) only have an effect on the image after the next which is caused by the sensor. If  no image capture is running (is_StopLiveVideo()) in trigger mode the capturing parameters can be set directly for the next image.

The pixel clock can only be adjusted in steps. The steps get bigger with higher values.

The adjustable pixel clock changes between 8/10 bit and 12 bit.

Note the bandwidth requirements for bit depth greater than 8 bits per pixel.

It is recommended to use packed color formats in 10 bit mode with high pixel clocks.

If the camera is operated without image memory there are additional pixel clocks in 10 MHz steps. The image quality may be reduced in the lower image area because of the slow reading-out. It is recommended to operate the camera with image memory in case of bandwidth problems or in multi-camera operation.

The maximum pixel clock is limited to 430 MHz when the camera is operated without image memory.

AOI, multi AOI

The sensor speed does not increase by the use of a horizontal AOI.

The sensor supports up to 64 AOIs (up to 8 AOIs horizontally and vertically).

The minimum AOI height of 2 pixels is only supported in RAW format.

The settings of the multi AOI cannot be saved in the parameter file or in the camera.

You cannot mirror the image if multi AOI is activated.

Frame rate

The sensor will not get faster in 8-bit mode than in 10-bit mode.


For color sensors, vertical binning can only be set together with horizontal binning. Horizontal binning can be set individually.

Subsampling and binning cannot be used simultaneously.

Hot pixel correction cannot be used when binning with a hardware color format is used (exception: RAW formats). Use adaptive hotpixel correction in this case.


Vertical subsampling increases the frame rate.


The internal sensor delay is about 2-3 lines when triggering. The line period depends on the selected pixel clock. The higher the pixel clock, the smaller the line period is.

IDS line scan ("AOI merge mode")

For color sensors, the IDS line scan can only be used with at least 2 lines.

Black level

The sensor's automatic black level correction is always enabled.

White balance

The white level may not be reached for very long exposure times and minimum gain. Increase the gain by one level if necessary.

Sensor source gain

For short exposure times (less than 10 ms), the sensor offers some more dynamic range. Here, you can set the analog sensor source gain to below 1.0x by using negative values. For this purpose, deactivate the analog gain boost if applicable and do not use the master gain. The result offers more dynamic and a better signal to noise ratio (SNR).

The blacklevel increases for very long exposure times and /or high camera temperatures. If you correct the blacklevel using the blacklevel offset, the white balance may not be reached. In this case the pixel saturation is visible. To avoid this, the sensor source gain should be set to a small positive value.

In combination with a master gain of 1.0x and deactivated gain boost, a low sensor source gain causes that the pixel saturation becomes visible. The result is a fixed pattern in bright image areas and additionally a vertical stripe pattern is visible. The full pixel saturation of 255 will not be reached at 8 bit mode.

uEye SE USB 3.1 Gen 1

The camera model does not support USB 2.0 operation.

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