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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

Fig. 96: IDS Camera Manager - Additional functions

Fig. 96: IDS Camera Manager - Additional functions

In this mode, all specified GigE uEye cameras are opened internally by the driver at the system start and all necessary structures are set up. For the user the camera is available and can be opened as before. The opening and closing is carried out much faster as the structures must not be set up or established (see also is_BootBoost()). If a camera is added to the boot boost mode, this specific camera is shown as unavailable to all other PCs in the network.

You can enter either single camera IDs or a range, e.g. "2-9;14". If you enter several camera IDs, they have to be separated by a semicolon. Which camera IDs are set currently can be seen in the "Current boot boost IDs" field. In the IDS Camera Manager, the cameras are marked with "Yes (BB)" in the "Free" column which are running in the boot boost mode.


Note: Changes to camera IDs only come into effect for the boot boost state of a camera after reconnecting.

To activate the boot boost mode, select "Enable" in the "Boot boost" area. To select a specific camera, set the camera ID into the input field and click on "Add ID".

To remove a single camera, set the camera ID in the input field and click on "Remove ID".

To remove the complete list, click on "Clear ID list".

To replace the current camera list with a new list, set the new camera IDs into the input field and click on "Set ID list". This will replace the current with the new camera IDs.

Current boot boost IDs: Displays the currently set camera IDs for the boot boost mode.

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