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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

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Pixel clock, frame rate, exposure time

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Pixel clock

The basic parameter for camera timing is the pixel clock. It determines the speed at which the sensor cells can be read out.


We recommend not setting the pixel clock any higher than necessary to achieve the desired frame rate.

An excessive pixel clock can cause delays or transmission errors. If the data is read from the sensor at a higher speed (high pixel clock), you will also need a faster transmission over the data connection. Thus, by controlling the pixel clock, you can also influence the bandwidth required for a camera.

The pixel clock influences the connected load and consequently the temperature inside the camera.

Frame rate

The possible range of settings for the frame rate depends on the currently selected pixel clock. You can select a lower  frame rate without changing the pixel clock. To set a higher frame rate, however, you need to increase the pixel clock.

Exposure time

The maximum possible exposure time depends on the currently selected frame rate and is preset to its reciprocal value. You can select a shorter exposure time without changing the frame rate. To set a longer exposure time, however, you need to reduce the frame rate.


The increments for setting the exposure time depend on the sensor's current timing settings (pixel clock, frame rate). The exposure time values are rounded down to the nearest valid value, if required. For this reason, the actual exposure time can deviate slightly from the exposure time you have selected.

See also:

uEye Cockpit: Camera




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