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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

Navigation: C: Programming > How to proceed > Setting camera parameters

Querying and setting the shutter mode

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The sensors of the uEye camera models use either rolling or global shutter. In addition, there are some models that support multiple shutter modes:

UI-124x/UI-324x/UI-524x and UI-125x/UI-325x/UI-525x allow switching between different shutter modes.

UI-148x/UI-348x/UI-548x, UI-158x/UI-358x/UI-558x, UI-359xCP/UI-359xLE Rev. 2, UI-386x/UI-586x, and UI-388x/UI-588x allow the use of the global start function.

With the following functions, you can determine which shutter mode is supported by a camera.


Query which shutter mode is supported by the sensor.


For UI-124x/UI-324x/UI-524x and UI-125x/UI-325x/UI-525x:

Query which shutter modes is supported by the sensor.

Set the shutter mode.


For UI-148x/UI-348x/UI-548x, UI-158x/UI-358x/UI-558x, UI-359xCP/UI-359xLE Rev. 2, UI-386x/UI-586x, and UI-388x/UI-588x:

Query if the sensor supports the global start function.

Enable/disable the global start function.

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