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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

For programming with the uEye API, we suggest that you use the C/C++ programming language. This programming language offers efficient access to all functions of the uEye API. Enabling access to image memory contents through pointers, C/C++ is especially suitable for image processing applications.

Most of the uEye sample programs were created in Microsoft Visual Studio using the C++ programming language.


We suggest that you keep the function libraries (DLL and AX files) in the default directory. After the installation, these files reside e.g. under Window in C:\Windows\System32\.

Copying these files to other locations may result in version conflicts.

Required Files

In order to access the uEye API, make sure to include the following files in your project:

Header file: ueye.h

Library: ueye_api.lib or ueye_api_64.lib

Function library (DLL): ueye_api.dll or ueye_api_64.dll

In order to access the uEye AVI functions, make sure to include the following files in your project:

Header file: ueye_tools.h

Library: ueye_tools.lib or ueye_tools_64.lib

Function library (DLL): ueye_tools.dll or ueye_tools_64.dll

In order to access the uEye DirectShow functions, make sure to include the following files in your project:

Header file: uEyeCaptureInterface.h

DirectShow interface:


Notes for programming under Linux

In order to access the uEye API, make sure to include the following files in your project:

Header file: ueye.h


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