Image Sensor Chaos – Sony Pregius vs ON-Semi Python – What is best for my camera application?

Which image sensor and camera is best for my application?

This is total Chaos with so many new sensors!

The image sensor market has rapidly changed in the past year, and has become very chaotic in determining the best image sensor and camera for an application.  

Sony and ON-Semiconductor have both launched a family of image sensors which provide global shutter using advanced CMOS designs resulting in high speed, crisp images.  

These CMOS sensors are now a viable alternative to CCD’s and older CMOS technology, providing higher performance and lower costs.  

BUT.. Which one is most suited for my application?  

Its best to start with understanding what is most important application.  Do we need speed?  Low noise?  Dynamic Range? or maybe a combination of attributes.  

1st Vision has helped make sense of the chaos in providing some considerations and comparisons between the Sony Pregius and ON-Semi Python Series sensors in the following chart.    


From the data, you can use these general guidelines

  • If you need the highest speed,  ON-Semi is your choice.   
  • If you need the highest dynamic range, Sony Pregius is your choice.
  • As a great general all around sensor, the Pregius IMX249 sells for ~ $500 in both GigE and USB3  This camera is 2.3MP @ 40fps and can be used in VGA, XGA SXGA modes by setting a ROI.   Read about various resolutions with setting a ROI

Most applications however are not that simple to just choose an image sensor based on speed or dynamic range. In many cases it requires a combination of many factors such as signal to noise, quantum efficiency and saturation capacity.    

1st Vision has more specific data we can discuss with you from various tests we have run and applications solved.  

PLEASE CONTACT US TO DISCUSS YOUR APPLICATION and receive more detailed information.  

Cameras with the Sony Pregius and ON-Semi image sensors continue to expand!  The following links provide a listing of the associated cameras

Visit the Sony Pregius camera web page

Visit the ON-Semi camera web page

1st Vision has extensive knowledge in industrial imaging and can help answer any questions.  We have over 100 years of combined knowledge and look forward to discussing your application.  

1st Vision can provide a complete solution including cameras, lenses, lighting and cables.  

Ph:  978-474-0044  

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