Learn about Thermal Imaging – Problems solved with Dalsa’s new Calibir camera!

Introducing the Teledyne Dalsa Calibir thermal imaging camera

The Calibir™ uncooled thermal imaging long wave infrared (LWIR) camera platform offers outstanding shutter-less imaging performance and great flexibility in a very compact package. With a frontal form factor of 29mm x 29mm the camera can be integrated in tight spaces for compact solutions. The microbolometer-based, ITAR free platform covers wavelengths from 8-14 µm and supports a variety of camera interfaces, lenses and state of the art on-board processing features.  This serves a wide range of today’s uncooled imaging applications with an architecture that offers more capabilities and possibilities for the future at an economical price.

What is Thermal Imaging and how does it work?

Long Wavelength infrared imaging detects infrared light in the 8-14um wavelength

region, which is invisible radiant energy that we experience as heat but can not see.  At temperatures above absolute zero (-275.15 deg. C), everything emits thermal radiation. The warmer an object, the more radiation it emits making warm objects stand out against cooler backgrounds.  

Long wavelength Infrared cameras are one of the more commonly used IR cameras.  These cameras are based on microbolometer focal plane arrays which converts infrared energy into an electronic signal which is processed and then produces an image.

An example to the right shows a false-color thermal image taken with a microbolometer camera.  The image shows hotter (redder) and cooler (bluer) areas where temperatures vary by 10 °C, indicating increased blood flow caused by inflammation in a medical application. 
As size, weight and cost decline and performance increases, an ever widening range of applications is opening up.
Application examples include:   
  • Medical Imaging  – Detect inflammation, cancer and other diseases
  • Surveillance, Defense & Security – Identify heat sources (humans)
  • Unmanned airborne and ground vehicles – Object avoidance, detection of wildlife
  • General Machine Vision – Detect features not visible to standard cameras.
As an example, the video below reveals the difference between hot and cold liquids poured on the ground; it also shows the heat signatures of a motorcycle’s engine and tire.

Benefits of the Calibir LWIR camera

Unprecedented Ease of use – Using Teledyne Dalsa’s established SDK and control tool (CamExpert), installation to image capture can be accomplished in minutes!  Connect and Go!   Watch the video below demonstrating how quickly you can start capturing images.

Size & Weight – With a 29 x 29 mm frontal form factor @ 30 grams (w/out lens), this is ideal for drones to designing into compact spaces.

Shutterless Operation   

The Calibir camera requires no mechanical shutter for calibration, meaning instant image output and no interruption for recalibration.  The image output of the Calibir camera remains stable across time and temperature range, freeing your application the the inconvenience, size, and additional complexity of failure prone mechanical shutters.  

Adaptive Contrast Enhancement 

The Calibir series features advanced image processing algorithms that adapt to the image content, optimizing contrast to show the finest details regardless of conditions or intra-scene variations.  With no intervention, the Calibir delivers high quality images reliably.  

Flexible Output options – Supports GigE Vision, RGMII/CPI and Analog RS170

Wide Range of Lens options – supports 11 different lenses ranging from 7.5 to 100 mm focal lengths, supplied and calibrated with the camera over an operating range of -40 to 60 deg. C ambient temperatures.

Full Specifications can be found HERE

UPDATE to this BLOG Sept 09, 2016 – Teledyne Dalsa released another video which shows radiometric capabilities which is coming by end of 2016 / Early 2017.  Additionally, the short video discusses and shows other industrial applications
1st Vision has extensive knowledge in industrial imaging and can help answer any questions.  We have over 100 years of combined knowledge and look forward to discussing your application.  

Please do not hesitate to Contact us!  1st Vision can provide a complete solution including cameras, lenses, lighting and cables.  

Ph:  978-474-0044

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