Teledyne Dalsa Nano XL-M4090 cameras – 16MP cameras are now faster, cheaper and smaller!

The Genie Nano XL-M4090 offers the On-Semi Python 16K monochrome sensor with a resolution of 4096 x 4096.  Nano XL-M4090 offers Teledyne Dalsa’s “Burst Acquisition” and “Turbo Drive” features allow for capturing images at 30 fps in 16 Megapixel resolution while maintaining good image quality.  

The new Nano XL camera provides 16 MP at a fraction of the cost of older KAI-16000 image sensors with improved performance, faster frame rates, and smaller image format!

Contact us for pricing!
The new cameras are fully GigE Vision compliant with higher frame rates achievable with partial scan modes and packed with beneficial features

Features and Benefits at a glance

  • Resolution – 4096 x 4096 with 4.5um pixels
  • Speed – Using the latest global shutter CMOS technology, the new 16MP XL more than doubles the frame rate of previous 16MP CCD cameras using the KAI-16000 sensor.  Utilizing Turbodrive, and 500 MB of on-board memory; frame rates of 30 fps can be reached  (Read more about TurboDrive )
  • Cost per Pixel is dramatically reduced!  – Pricing starting below $4300 provides a substantial savings for the same resolution vs older 16 MP CCD models.  
  • Lens mount options / Pixel Pitch – On-Semi uses 4.5um pixels providing a APS-H optical format (32.6mm diagonal) while still maintaining good performance and low noise.  The XL has a M42 mount and will have a M42 to F-mount adapter available. 
  • On-board memory – 500 MB
  • Wide Temperature range – 20 deg. C to + 60 C

Applications include:

  • Machine Vision inspection
  • Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) 
  • Large scale metrology
  • Pick and Place machines
  • Motion monitoring
  • Aerial Surveillance

 On-Semi has continued to expand the image sensor line and in turn, it is available from various camera manufacturers and interfaces.  

If you do not need 16MP, the Dalsa Nano product line has become very extensive with resolutions from VGA to 25MP.  Click here NOW to see the complete portfolio

Please do not hesitate to Contact us!  1st Vision can provide a complete solution including cameras, lenses, lighting and cables.  

Ph:  978-474-0044  

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