Improper selection of the correct quality and type of machine vision lens can make your camera selection useless!
In many cases, we see customers attempting to choose a low quality lens for a camera that really needs quality optics to resolve the pixel sizes. Conversely, we also see customers trying to over specify a lens, where you simply need a lens that’s “good enough”
1st Vision has a white paper to help in the lens selection and provide valuable knowledge on various topics to make the best decisions.
In this comprehensive white paper, you’ll learn the following
- Background basics on lenses and what they really do!
- The science in some basic formulas to calculate MAG, focal length and angular FOV
- What are extension rings used for?
- How are lenses rated? MTF explained
- The myth behind “Megapixel” lens ratings
- How many pixels do I really need?
- What is the ” f# ” of a lens
- What does the “lens format” mean?
- Comparison of lens types from security to Factory Automation (FA)
- How to get some practical advice!
1st Vision has many other resources in our educational blogs. Please find related links to lenses below.
We are happy to discuss your imaging application in details – Just contact us!
Advantages of Telescentric lenses in machine vision
Macro lenses vs Extension tubes – What provides the best results?
Image Basics – Calculating lens focal length
Demystifying lens performance specifications
Macro lenses vs Extension tubes – What provides the best results?
Image Basics – Calculating lens focal length
Demystifying lens performance specifications
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