Dalsa line scan polarization camera makes invisible visible!

Teledyne Dalsa has released the first line scan polarization camera for machine vision.  The Piranha4 polarization camera provides the capability of detecting , stress, surface roughness,  birefringence and physical properties undetectable with conventional imaging making the invisible visible!

This unique technique uses four polarization channels with a color line scan camera solving various applications, but not limited to the following:

Glass Inspection:  Glass bottles, architectural glass sheets, and automobile windshields, etc. – Enables inspection of internal stress and defects non-visible with conventional imaging

Dalsa Polorized ruler

Film inspection: transparent films, packaging films, and patterned films etc. – Detect scratches, digs, and other surface defects that are difficult to detect with conventional imaging   Dalsa Polarized scratch

Precision optics: optical lens, prisms, fibers, and micro-optical – Detect residual internal stress and thermal annealing effects
polarized - stress in sun glasses

Flat Panel Display and PCB inspection: Thin film transistors, organic LEDs, printed circuit boards etc.- inspect ITO, dust particles, films thickness, and surface defects with enhanced contrast

Carbon fibers: effectively inspect the quality of composite materials that are widely used in aircraft, aerospace, wind energy, and automotive industry

Food and material sorting: Increase sorting accuracy and detecting capability of foreign materials such as plastics, glasses, metals etc. with polarization imaging

Bio-medicine: digital pathology, in vitro cells culture, optical coherence tomography etc.- Provides additional information in birefringence tissues
Remote sensing: helps identifying special objects from natural background
And many more…

Contact 1st vision

Line scan polarization camera Features

  • CMOS Quadlinear sensor  – 2048 pixels
  • High speed line rate of 70k hz with 14.08 um pixels
  • Camera Link interface
  • Three polarization states plus and unfiltered channel (Output format with 0 deg (S component), 90 deg (P component), 135 deg and unfiltered polarization states.)

Full specifications on the Teledyne Dalsa polarization camera ( P4-CP-02K07Q-00-R ) can be found HERE

line scan camera Polarization angles

White Paper  – Learn about this unique polarization technique with line scan cameras!   This white paper covers the following topics

  • How polarization techniques work in transmission and reflectance configuration
  • Comparison of three polarization filter technologies
  • How the sensor architecture is configured for polarization effects and visualization of defects.

line scan polarization camera white paper

1stVision has a strong working knowledge of polarization techniques, line scan cameras and lighting and can discuss your application in detail.

Contact us to talk to an expert!

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