Opto Engineering HC 360° Hypercentric 360°Lenses

Inspect the inner sides and bottom of hollow objects simultaneously with Opto Engineering’s HC 360° hypercentric lenses.

HC 360° hypercentric lenses – Courtesy Opto Engineering

The optical path of the rays pass through the narrow openings of hollow objects (pipes, bottles, cans, vials, etc.) without the need to rotate an object, use a probe, or use multi-camera configurations. HC hypercentric lenses are used in diverse inspection applications including beverage, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics industries.

Courtesy Opto Engineering

See landing page for all 8 members of the Opto Engineering HC family

…including part number, image circle size and sensor pairings, FOV, and spec sheet links. And corresponding quote-request links.

Example of a glass bottle inspections with HCSI lens – Courtesy Opto Engineering
Contact us for a quote

IF one didn’t know about 360° hypercentric lenses…

… one might attempt a muti-camera or line scan solution. But there are drawbacks to each of those approaches.

Drawbacks of a multicamera solution – Courtesy Opto Engineering

OK, what about linescan? Linescan is know to be good for high resolution images of elongated objects. Yes, but one would need a separate camera for each of the sides vs. the bottom of the object. Most significant, however, is the requirement for motion essential to a linescan design, as the camera or object must rotate to expose all “slices”, while the object is concurrently progressing down the line.

Linescan continuous motion requirement not compatible with 360° view requirement – Courtesy Opto Engineering

Opto Engineering 360° lenses check all the boxes

Since line scan really isn’t a solution, and a multicamera approach is complex at best, for comprehensive inspection of the inner sides and bottom of hollow objects, these Opto Engineering 360° lenses offer an attractive solution.

Pros and cons of different approaches when 360° view is required – Courtesy Opto Engineering

1st Vision’s sales engineers have over 100 years of combined experience to assist in your camera and components selection.  With a large portfolio of cameraslensescablesNIC cards and industrial computers, we can provide a full vision solution!

See these other blogs on Opto products!

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