Explained: Trifecta of lens f-stop, wavelength and Airy disc

In this blog we tackle a set of issues well-known to experts. It’s complex enough to be non-obvious, but easy enough to understand through this short tutorial. And better to learn via a no-cost article rather than through trial and error.

Alternative to reading on, let us help you get the optics right for your application. Or read on and then let us help you anyway. Helping machine vision customers choose optimal components is what we do. We’ve staked our reputation on it.

Aperture size and F-stop

Most understand that the F-stop on a lens specifies the size of the aperture. Follow that last link to reveal the arithmetic calculations, if you like, but the key thing to keep in mind at the practical level is that F-stop values are inversely correlated with the size of the aperture. So a large F-number like f/8 indicates a narrow aperture, while a small F-number like f/1.4 corresponds to a large aperture. Some lens designs span a wider range of F-numbers than others, but the inverse correlation always applied.

Iris controls the aperture – Courtesy Edmund Optics

Maximizing contrast might seem to suggest a large aperture

For machine vision it’s always important to maximize contrast. The target object can only be discerned when it is sufficiently contrasted against the background or other objects. Effective lighting and lensing is crucial, in addition to a camera sensor that’s up to the task.

“Maximizing light” (without over-saturating) is often a challenge, unless one adds artificial light. That would tend to suggest using a large aperture to let more light pass while still keeping exposure time short enough to “freeze” motion or maximize frames per second.

So for the moment, let’s hold that thought that a large aperture sounds promising. Spoiler alert: we’ll soften our position on this point in light of forthcoming points.

Depth of Field – DoF

While a large aperture seems attractive so far, one argument against that is depth of field (DoF). In particular, the narrowest effective aperture maximizes depth of field, while the largest aperture minimizes DoF.

Correlation of aperture size and depth of field – Courtesy Edmund Optics

Depending on the lens design, the difference in DoF between largest vs. smallest aperture may vary from as little as a few millimeters to as great as many centimeters. Your applications knowledge will inform you how much wiggle room you’ve got on DoF.

So what’s the sweet spot for aperture?

Barring further arguments to the contrary, the largest aperture that still provides sufficient depth of field is a good rule of thumb.

Where do diffraction limits and the Airy disc come into it?

Optics is a branch of physics. And just like absolute zero in the realm of temperature, Boyle’s law with respect to gases, etc., there are certain constraints and limits that apply to optics.

Whenever light passes through an aperture, diffraction occurs – the bending of waves around the edge of the aperture. The pattern from a ray of light that falls upon the sensor takes the form of a bright circular area surrounded by a series of weakening concentric rings. This is called the Airy disk. Without going into the math, the Airy disk is the smallest point to which a beam of light can be focused.

And while stopping down the aperture increases the DoF, our stated goal, it has the negative impact of increasing diffraction.

Correlation of aperture to diffraction pattern – Courtesy Edmund Optics

Diffraction limits

As focused patterns, containing details in your application that you want to discern, near each other, they start to overlap. This creates interference, which in turn reduces contrast.

Every lens, no matter how well it is designed and manufactured, has a diffraction limit, the maximum resolving power of the lens – expressed in line pairs per millimeter. There is no point generating an Airy disk pattern from adjacent real-world features that are larger than the sensor’s pixels, or the all-important contrast needed will not be achieved.

And wavelength’s a factor too?

Indeed wavelength is also a contributor to contrast and the Airy disc. As beings who see, we tend to default to thinking of light as white light or daylight, which is a composite segment of the spectrum, from indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. That’s from about 380 nm to 780 nm. Below 380 nm we find ultraviolet light (UV) in the next segment of the spectrum. Above 780 nm the next segment is infrared (IR).

Monochrome light better than white light

An additional topic relative to the Airy disc is that monochrome light is better than white light. When light passes through a lens, it refracts (bends) differently in correlation with the wavelength. This is referred to as chromatic aberration.

Transverse and longitudinal chromatic aberration – Courtesy Edmund Optics

If a given point on your imaged object reflect or emits light in two more more of the wavelengths, the focal point of one might land in a different sensor pixel than the other, creating blur and confusion on how to resolve the point.

An easy way to completely overcome chromatic aberration is to use a single monochromatic wavelength! If your target object reflects or emits a given wavelength, to which your sensor is responsive, the lens will refract the light from a given point very precisely, with no wavelength-induced shifts.

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The moral of the story

The takeaway point is that the trifecta of aperture (F-stop) and wavelength each have a bearing on the Airy disc, and that one wants to choose and configure the optics and lighting to optimize the Airy disc. This leads to effective applications performance – a must have. But it can also lead to cost-savings, as lower cost lenses, lighting, and sensors, optimally configured, may perform better than higher cost components chosen without sufficient understanding of these principles.

1st Vision’s sales engineers have over 100 years of combined experience to assist in your camera and components selection.  With a large portfolio of cameraslensescablesNIC cards and industrial computers, we can provide a full vision solution!

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