Teledyne DALSA AxCIS Contact Image Sensor Applications

Why read this blog?

  1. To learn what kinds of applications are well-suited for a Contact Image Sensor
  2. To see the unique features only found in the Teledyne DALSA AxCIS series

You already know (or can catch up quickly):

Contact Image Sensors don’t actually contact the things they are imaging. But they get to within 15 mm = 0.59 inches! So they are ideal for space-constrained applications.

And they aren’t interchangeable with line scan cameras, they are a variant on line scan concepts. They share the requirement that “something is moving” and that the sensor array is a single row of pixels.

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Applications for Contact Image Sensing

Courtesy Teledyne DALSA

Why Teledyne DALSA AxCIS in particular?

You may want to review the whole Teledyne DALSA AxCIS series, and the datasheet details. Go for it! Geek out. Full transparency as always.

Or maybe you’d like a little help on what we think is special about the Teledyne DALSA AxCIS series?

T2IR – Trigger to Image Reliability

This is a Teledyne DALSA proprietary innovation that helps to de-mystify what’s happening inside a complex vision system. It uses hardware and software to improve reliability. In high level terms, T2IR monitors from trigger through image capture, and on to host memory transfer, aiming to protect against data loss. And to provide insights for system tuning if needed. T2IR is compatible with many Teledyne DALSA cameras and frame grabbers – including the AxCIS series.

Courtesy Teledyne DALSA

If you prefer it written out:

Courtesy Teledyne DALSA

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