What is High Dynamic Range (HDR) Imaging for machine vision?
First we need to understand what is dynamic range in an image!
Dynamic range is a term used to describe the difference between the brightest part of a scene and the darkest part of a scene at a given moment in time – essentially the amount of contrast within a single image.
The four images above provide an example of a high dynamic range scene. Note how there are details in each exposure that may not be visible in a different exposure (Note that we can see the buildings in the lower right image vs the upper left image). None of the exposures can capture the entire scene without under-saturing (turning dark) or over-saturating (turning white)
In many imaging applications it becomes difficult to discern the dark and bright areas due to lack of dynamic range within the camera. In turn, cameras using HDR methods must be utilized in order to obtain a high dynamic range image.
1stVision has a staff of engineers all with +25 years of experience in the industrial imaging market. Contact us to help answer your questions and provide a complete solution including cameras, lenses, lighting and cables.