There is NO such thing as a “Megapixel” machine vision camera lens!.. Say what??


Megapixel Machine vision lensesThere has been a lot written about the ratings of machine vision lenses1stVision had created white papers that describe this in detail. However, the lens industry continues to use the marketing term, Megapixel Machine Vision Camera Lenses.

Let’s get this out of the way right now. 

There is NO such thing as a Megapixel Machine vision Camera Lens.

But since it is me against the world, let me explain why sometimes a 12 MP lens is really the same resolution as a 5 MP quality lens.

The first thing to understand is that lenses are evaluated on their resolving power, which is a spatial resolution.  For lens used in the industrial imaging marketplace, this is normally given in terms as “Line Pairs per mm” (LP/mm).  The reason it is expressed this way is because to resolve a pixel of “X” um, you need to use the formula, 1 / 2X where “X” is the pixel size and 2 is the Nyquist limit.  So to resolve a pixel of 5um we need a resolution of 1/ ( 5um*2)  per line pair.  In LP/mm, this becomes 100 LP/mm.

A graph showing a lenses performance is shown in a  plot below, plotting intensity vs. LP/mm.  This is called the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF). Note that as the LP/mm increases and the lens can’t resolve it as well, the intensity falls off.  This measurement is variable to F stop and angle of light, so real MTF charts will indicated these parameters. This is the only real way to empirically evaluate how a lens will perform.

You can visually compare lenses, but to truly compare Brand A vs. Brand B you would have to test them under identical situations.  You can’t compare Brand A’s MTF vs. Brand B’s if you don’t know what the parameters used to test them are (need the same camera, with the same lighting, with the same focus, with the same f stop, the same gain, etc. etc.).  Unfortunately its very hard to get that information from most lens manufacturers.

1, 3, 5, 9, 12 Megapixel lens?

Tamron 12MP MPY lenses
Compliments of Computar

What does this mean?  As an example, Sony has recently introduced a new line of image sensors which  have  5MP, 9MP and 12MP sensors.  Many clients have called and said,  “I want to use the 12MP sensor, so please spec a lens that can do 12MP.”  Unfortunately, this isn’t correct as each of these sensors uses a 3.45um pixel.  They ALL need the same quality lens!  Why?  Because it is the size of pixel, what you have to resolve, that dictates the quality of the lens!

In the above situation, the 5MP sensor needs a 2/3” format lens, the 9MP needs a 1” lens, and 12 MP needs a 1.1” format lens.  (Multiply the size of the pixel by the number of H and V pixels to get the sensor format  – more on format HERE ).  However, this sensor needs about 144 LP/mm of resolving power as its a 3.45um pixel size.  As much as I detest the nomenclature of “5MP lens” etc., I do appreciate what Fuji  does; as they will state, “…. This  series of high-resolution lenses deliver 3.45um pixel pitch (equivalent to 5MP) on a 2/3″ sensor”.   Now this make more sense!

In turn, if you see a lens stated as a “Megapixel Machine vision” lens, question this!  It really needs to be stated in terms of its capability to resolve the pixel size in LP/mm!

Contact us

1stVision has a staff of machine vision veterans who are happy to explain this in more detail and help you specify the best lens for your application!   Contact 1st Vision!

Additional References:
For a comprehensive understanding on “How to Choose a Lens”, download our whitepaper HERE.  

Blog post:  Demystifying Lens performance specifications

Blog post:  Learn about FUJI’s HF-XA-5M (5 Megapixel) lens series which resolves 3.45um pixel pitch sensors! Perfect for cameras with Sony Pregius image sensors.

Use the 1st Vision lens selector allowing you to filter by focal length, format and manufacturer to name a few

Best in class OEM machine vision lenses, low cost, high performance with an easy to use lens selector

OEM lenses 1st Vision‘s factory automation OEM machine vision lenses are designed using glass from one of the top Japanese lens manufacturers. These lenses are not branded and allow our clients to have excellent performance at a better price than the ‘named’ brand manufacturers, getting the most bang for your buck!

In comparing specifications, our OEM lenses have better resolution in many cases over brand name lenses, but at ~ 30% less cost in some cases.

1st Vision lens comparison
Conventional lens (left) vs 1stVision OEM lens (right)

In resolution chart comparisons, the 1st Vision OEM lens on the right outperforms the leading lens in its class.   All lenses have locking screws for focus and iris.  High temperature options are available providing ranges from – 30 C to +70 C.

Details specifications and pricing can be found HERE 

1st vision lens selectorIts now easier than every to find a desired lens it the new 1st Vision lens selector.  Sort by focal length, optical format and lens quality to name a few sort attributes.  Try it now HERE!

Need help in your lens selection?  Our sales engineers all have over 20 years of vision experience and can help you identify the best lens for your application.

Contact us to talk to an expert!

If you like our lens selector, check out the new camera selector!    Watch our short video highlighting helpful new features and selectors on our website

We also have several blog posts providing additional education on lens selection including handy focal length calculators.  Click on the resources below.

 Calculating Lens Focal Length 
Video:  Using the 1st Vision Lens calculator
Demystifying lens performance – MTF
Calculating your resolution for machine vision applications

Sony has a great new 1.1” Image Sensor, but what kind of lens can I use with this format? Computar MPY Series!

Computar MPY Series Lenses
Computar MPY lens series

If you have been around industrial camera lenses for a while, you know that there are many ½” and 2/3” lenses, not as many 1” lenses, but what do you do when you have a 1.1” sensor?!   The solution?  Use the Computar MPY  12 Megapixel lenses!Contact us

If you have been following Sony’s new IMX image sensor product line, their newest sensors are based on a 3.65um pixel pitch.  However, when you scale this up to their new 12MP sensor (Sony Pregius IMX253, IMX304), the sensor size becomes 1.1” (17.6mm diagonal) format.  A 1” lens format will not cover this image circle and in turn has vignetting in your image  (Read our blog post on sensor size vs. lens size ) .

One possible solution is to use a 1” lens and vignette 5% on each side, or use a 1” lens and stop it down where the vignetting goes away.  However this is not an optimal solution.  A second solution is to use a F Mount lens, but if the camera is a C mount, you will need a C to F adapter, again less than ideal.

Fortunately there are some C mount lenses that are greater than a 1” image format.  Kowa and Schneider both have been shipping 4/3” format lenses, although these are quite expensive.  Recently, Computar has come out with a line of 1.1” format lenses SPECIFICALLY  for this sensor!

Key Features of the 1.1″ format, Computar MPY 12MP C-mount lenses

Computar 12MP MPY Series

Click here for full series specifications

1.1" Megapixel lenses - Computar MPY SeriesIndividual Specifications can be found via this link for the models below: 

8mm – V0828-MPY
12mm – 
16mm – 
25mm – 
35mm – 
50mm – V5028-MPY

1st Vision’s sales engineers specialize in industrial imaging and can help you in the lens selection.  Additionally, they can help ensure you have the best lens mated to the newer sensors to ensure the highest contrast.

Contact us to talk to an expert!

What is a lens optical format? Can I use any machine vision camera with any format? NOT!

Image lens format

Common lens questions we are often asked are, “What is a lens’s optical format (or size; we will use the two interchangeably) and how does it relate to specific image sensor sizes in industrial cameras?   Along with, “Can any size machine vision camera be used on any lens format or do they need to be matched exactly?”

First lets review the sizes of the machine vision camera image sensors themselves (as seen below).

Lens Optical format
Image sensor sizes given in ” vs. true diagonal size in mm

The image sensor size is typically put in terms of “inches”, but really has nothing to do with this and dates back to the “image tube” days.  Without a big history lesson, a sensor that fit into an image tube with a 1” (inch) yoke was deemed a  1” image format .  Today, we still use these terms and  see commons sizes stated as 1/3”, ½”, 2/3” as seen in the image above. Note: The image size in ” does  NOT calculate to mm and vice versa! It is nomenclature only.

 However, what is important is to look at the diagonal across the given image sensor which is the “image circle”.  (i.e The 1/3” format above has a diagonal of 6 mm.  )

The size of the lens MUST be equal or greater than the size of the sensor ( circle size that covers the sensor)  or you simply will not get the whole image!

Lens optical format vs sensor size
Lens optical format (circle) vs sensor size (rectangle)

The diagram above shows a 1/3″ format image sensor (6mm diagonal).  In order to adequately cover the image sensor, you need a 1/3″ lens format or larger.  On the left, we show a lens with a  1/4″ format, and it does not cover the sensor.

Optical Vignetting
Optical Vignetting

The end results from the improper mating of a smaller lens format than the image sensor format will be vignetting (dark corners where the lens does not cover the sensor) of the image.

What can I do when there is no specific lens format matching the image sensor format?

Lens manufacturers are continuing to design lenses to address the changing sensor market.  However you will not always find a specific size format to match the lens.  In these cases, you just need to ensure the lens format (image circle diameter) is larger than the sensor as mentioned in the above example.

An example is the newer 1/1.2” sensor sizes (IMX174, IMX249 ) which have a diagonal of 13.4mm.  Although there are some lens manufacturers that designed a lens with the specific 1/1.2” format, there are not many.  Referring to lens format diagram, the 1/1.2” format is between a 2/3” and 1” format.  The 2/3” format has a image circle of 11 mm which will not fully cover the 1/1.2” format (13.4mm diagonal), and you will get vignetting of the image. The solution is to use the next size up which is a 1” format.  This format is commonly found in many lens manufacturers, in turn providing many lens manufacturers to choose from.

Click here now for all lens sizes and manufacturers

In conclusion, you can use an image format on a lens on smaller image sensor size, but not the other way!.. You’ll have vignetting and lose part of your image!

What else do we need to consider in lens selection?

This blog post simply covers sensor formats vs sensor sizes. There is much more to consider in a lens selection such as resolution of the lens to resolve the pixels themselves, what focal length is needed etc.

Here are some further resources to help in the selection process.  Additionally, 1st Vision has over 100 years of combined experience in industrial imaging in which you can contact us to aid in the section.

How to choose a lens

Calculating resolution for a machine vision application –

Video Tutorial  – Using the  On-line lens focal length calculator

1st Vision newly added our high quality 1” format lenses which provide an excellent price vs performance ratio – Read more here.

Images courtesy of Wikipedia