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IDS peak 2.10.0 / uEye+ firmware 3.34

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For exposure times > 100 ms, it is recommended to use additionally Gain to prevent stripes in the image (FPN - fixed pattern noise). These stripes may occur when the image is about to saturate.

The model does not support long exposure.


The frame rate does not increase by the use of a horizontal ROI.


The model only supports FPGA binning and no sensor binning.

The frame rate does not increase with binning.


The model only supports FPGA decimation and no sensor decimation.


The model has only the factors 1, 2 and 4 for the analog Gain.

Black level

The model has only a digital black level and no sensor black level. The digital black level is controlled via the functions of DigitalImageControl.

If you use the digital black level, gaps are displayed in the histogram.

Start behavior of digital outputs

The functionality of an machine vision camera is realized by the combination of different electronic components. While the camera is starting, the firmware initializes the camera electronics. Until initialization is complete, the camera outputs may remain in an undefined state for a short time. On the GigE uEye Warp10, during camera startup, the optocoupler outputs close after about 3.8 s for approx. 21 µs. After that, the camera is ready for operation.


PTPControl is supported from firmware version 3.30 on.


SignalMultiplierControl is supported from firmware version 3.30 on.


Chunks are not supported in the current firmware version.


Sequencer is not supported in the current firmware version.

Line scan

The model does not support line scan.

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