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Controls if the selected component streaming is active.
Name |
ComponentEnable[ComponentSelector] |
Category |
Interface |
Boolean |
Access |
Read/Write |
Unit |
- |
Visibility |
Beginner |
Values |
True False |
Standard |
Availability uEye+ |
Availability uEye |
- |
Values description
•True: Acquisition of component enabled.
•False: Acquisition of component disabled.
Code example
// Determine the current status of ComponentEnable
bool value = nodeMapRemoteDevice->FindNode<peak::core::nodes::BooleanNode>("ComponentEnable")->Value();
// Determine the current status of ComponentEnable
bool value = nodeMapRemoteDevice.FindNode<peak.core.nodes.BooleanNode>("ComponentEnable").Value();
# Determine the current status of ComponentEnable (bool)
value = nodeMapRemoteDevice.FindNode("ComponentEnable").Value()