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IDS peak 2.14.0 / uEye+ firmware 3.42

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This chapter contains the descriptions of all supported features from the Image Format Control category.

















Availability uEye+

icon-gev icon-u3v

Availability uEye

icon-ui-gige icon-ui-usb2 icon-ui-usb3

The features in this chapter control and read image size and format.

Reducing resolution

Features to reduce resolution and thus to optimize the cameras bandwidth are BinningHorizontal, BinningVertical, DecimationHorizontal and DecimationVertical.
HeightMax and WidthMax return the dimensions with reduced resolution.

Binning and Decimation (aka Subsampling) can either be sensor or FPGA features. If your camera supports both, you can switch between the sensor and the FPGA feature with BinningSelector and DecimationSelector. The entry "Region0" refers to the FPGA feature.

For basic information on how decimation and binning operates, see the Image processing chapter.

Flipping images

Use ReverseX and ReverseY to flip the image horizontally or vertically.

Defining a region of interest

You can transfer only a part of the complete camera image by defining a region of interest (ROI) with Height, Width, OffsetX and OffsetY. If you use flipping as well, the ROI is applied afterwards.

Fig. 202: Region of interest and its parameters of reference

Fig. 202: Region of interest and its parameters of reference

Controlling color formats

For controlling the color format and bit depth of the camera use PixelFormat, which represents the information provided by PixelSize and PixelColorFilter combined in a single feature.

Testing data transfer

To test the data transfer, you can use TestPattern to select a sample image that the camera will transfer.

Sensor information

Additionally, this chapter also describes some sensor information features like SensorHeight, SensorWidth, SensorPixelHeight, SensorPixelWidth, and SensorName.

Using polarizing cameras

If you are using a polarizing camera, you can use ComponentSelector and ComponentEnable to select and enable the image components to be captured.

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