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IDS peak 2.10.0 / uEye+ firmware 3.34

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You can open a specific camera not only by serial number, but also by a self-defined camera ID (self-defined name). So you can define an own name for a camera in IDS peak Cockpit:

1.Open the camera in IDS peak Cockpit.

2.Click on icon-generic-parameters to open the "Generic parameters" dialog.

3.Switch to the "Remote Device" section at the bottom of the dialog.

4.Enter "ID" in the search field at the top.

5.Enter a self-defined camera ID in the DeviceUserID (U3/GV models) or DeviceUserIDuEye (UI models) node.

The camera ID is displayed in the Camera manager.

Note the following information for the different camera types:

USB3 uEye+ cameras (U3 models): The camera ID can have up to 64 characters.

GigE uEye+ cameras (GV models): The camera ID can have up to 16 characters.

uEye cameras (UI models): The camera ID must only contain numeric values in the range 1-254.

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