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IDS peak 2.14.0 / uEye+ firmware 3.42

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IDS Peak comfortSDK, genericSDK, IPL, and AFL developer manuals are external documents. Please contact us if you need them.

Welcome to the manual for IDS peak.


The IDS peak manual provides you with a lot of additional information for the use of our IDS industrial cameras.

The manual is therefore divided into several chapters created for different target groups.

Beginners in image processing

You will find general information on the basics of camera technology and image processing in the Camera basics chapter.

Users of uEye+ cameras (U3/GV models)

Read this chapter to learn how to connect uEye+ cameras and how to operate them. You can also refer to this chapter for model-specific hints of your uEye+ camera (U3/GV models).

In the camera feature reference you will find the features of the SFNC standard supported by IDS industrial cameras, as well as manufacturer-dependent features. Have a look at this chapter to use your camera in its full performance range.

Programmers of camera applications

Here you will find information about programming your own applications with the IDS peak API and the IDS peak IPL. The descriptions are supplemented by numerous code examples for the programming languages C, C++, C#, and Python.

Learn how to use CMake to create projects for Qt Creator or Visual Studio.

Consider the basic principles when working with IDS peak. This makes programming easier for you, and you can solve error cases more easily or even avoid them.

Read, for example, how to open a camera and parameterize a camera or how to configure the connection.

In the transport layer feature reference you will find the features of the GenTL SFNC standard supported by IDS cameras, as well as manufacturer-dependent features.

Users of uEye cameras (UI models)

The D: Operating uEye cameras with IDS peak chapter provides information for operating uEye cameras (UI models) with IDS peak. The Notes for usage chapter provides information on limitations that currently still need to be observed.



Safety instructions

Hints and symbols

A: Camera basics

B: Operation of uEye+ cameras

C: Programming with IDS peak

D: Operating uEye cameras with IDS peak

E: AI-assisted image analysis with IDS peak

© 2024 IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH