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IDS peak 2.14.0 / uEye+ firmware 3.42

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Most IDS Vision cameras can generate event notifications to inform a host application about the occurrence of a specific event.

Typical events


Event names

Acquisition related events





I/O status events

Line0RisingEdge, Line0FallingEdge

Line1RisingEdge, Line1FallingEdge

Line2RisingEdge, Line2FallingEdge

Line3RisingEdge, Line3FallingEdge

Line4RisingEdge, Line4FallingEdge

Line5RisingEdge, Line5FallingEdge

Line6RisingEdge, Line6FallingEdge






Special events in line scan operation mode



Error events


Critical Error

Configuration: Enable event notification

Select the event that you want use and enable its notification.

EventSelector = Temperature;
EventNotification = On;

Enable only the events that you intend to use in your application. Events contribute to the transmitted bandwidth.

USB: If events are not fetched, the event queue fills and events might be lost.

GigE: If events are not fetched, they are lost.


GigE: Events, that are lost, are not re-transmitted. This means, that there is no guaranteed transmission of events over the link.

Configuration: Querying event properties

Events need implementation of event handling in your application. See Events.

Nevertheless, you can gather information on the last occurrence from the camera's RemoteDevice NodeMap.

Each event creates a sub-category of the naming pattern Event<EventName>Data. For the temperature event this is EventTemperatureData.

The event ID is stored in the parameter Event<EventName>. The timestamp of the last occurence in Event<EventName>Timestamp. For the temperature event the ID is stored in EventTemperature and the timestamp of the last occurence in EventTemperatureTimestamp.

temperatureEventId = EventTemperature.Value;
temperatureEventTimestamp = EventTemperatureTimestamp.Value;

Some events have additional data, e.g. the temperature event also sends the temperature value.

temperature = EventTemperatureValue.Value;

Other events send the frame ID of their occurence (Event<EventName>FrameID), e.g. EventExposureStart and EventExposureEnd, EventFrameDropped or EventMissedTriggerExposure.

frameId = EventExposureStartFrameID.Value;

Alternatives and variants: Testing event reception

You can test if your application receives and handles camera events correctly using the test event.


The camera sends out a test event instantly with the according timestamp.

testEventId = EventTest.Value;
testEventTimestamp = EventTestTimestamp.Value;

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