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IDS peak 2.14.0 / uEye+ firmware 3.42

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With image ROI, you can crop the sensor image to a region of interest (ROI). The ROI position refers to the total sensor dimensions. Only the pixels of the image ROI are transferred to the host.


Many sensors support ROI at least in one direction. In this case, only the pixels of the ROI are read out and the frame rate can increase.

Refer to the respective data sheets for more information on a specific camera model.

Fig. 111: Dimensions of sensor and image ROI

Fig. 111: Dimensions of sensor and image ROI


To change Width and Height, you have to stop image acquisition. Most IDS Vision cameras can change OffsetX and OffsetY during image acquisition.

Width = 400;
Height = 300;
OffsetX = 240;
OffsetY = 120;

Width and OffsetX correlate. Increasing Width limits the possible range for OffsetX and vice versa. The same is valid for Height and OffsetY.


You can include the ROI settings into your image chunks. This way, you know the exact capture parameters for each image, even if they change. See Enabling meta data (chunks).

Querying image ROI properties

Current ROI

w = Width.Value;
h = Height.Value;
x = OffsetX.Value;
y = OffsetY.Value;

Maximum ROI

w_max = WidthMax.Value;
h_max = HeightMax.Value;


Do not use the maximum properties of Width and Height to query the maximum possible ROI if you have OffsetX or OffsetY > 0.

Minimum ROI

w_min = Width.Minimum;
h_min = Height.Minimum;

Increments of ROI dimensions

w_inc = Width.Increment;
h_inc = Height.Increment;
x_inc = OffsetX.Increment;
y_inc = OffsetY.Increment;

Alternatives and variations: Setting the maximum ROI

To set the image ROI to its maximum, you first have to set OffsetX and OffsetY to 0. Otherwise, the maximum values of Width and Height are limited.

OffsetX = 0;
OffsetY = 0;
Width = Width.Maximum;
Height = Height.Maximum;

Alternatives and variations: Setting a minimum ROI

You can use the minimum properties of Width and Height to set a minimum ROI.

Width = Width.Minimum;
Height = Height.Minimum;

Dependencies to other features: Binning and decimation

Binning and decimation reduce image resolution. When using binning or decimation, the ROI parameters are divided by the used factor. BinningHorizontal and DecimationHorizontal affect the values of Width, WidthMax and OffsetX as well as their maximum and increment properties. BinningVertical and DecimationVertical affect the values of Height, HeightMax and OffsetY as well as their maximum and increment properties.

Additional information

Camera operation

Image detail (region of interest)

Camera feature reference





IDS peak topics

Setting a ROI

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