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IDS peak 2.10.0 / uEye+ firmware 3.34

IDS Peak comfortSDK, genericSDK, IPL, and AFL developer manuals are external documents. Please contact us if you need them.

You can use <%CMD-SUPPORT-TOOL%> to create a support file. This file stores information about the system used and the camera configuration. The support file is a ZIP archive that you can unpack, edit (e.g. remove a file) and pack again.

Creating a support file

Full command

Short command

Additional parameters

--out C:\_temp\

not available

Path to the output directory with file name

(By default, the file is called "").

Categories of the support file

><%CMD-SUPPORT-TOOL%> --list-categories
To de/select categories by id or name: --select/--deselect CategoryNameToSelect 2 3 [id|name]...
(see the help text of --select/--deselect for more information)
Id   Category     Description
(0 ) System       General hardware information (CPU, OS, RAM, etc.) and the active power scheme on Windows
(1 ) Env          GenICam environment variables and those that are set by the setup
(2 ) FileTree     List of all files and folders of installed SDKs
(3 ) Network      Network adapters, Arp table, registered NDIS drivers and firewall settings
(4 ) Usb          USB tree including controllers, hubs, devices and their mapping to each other
(5 ) CameraHost   Installed API versions and CTI locations
(6 ) CameraDevice Device tree with CTIs as root and specific nodes per device
(7 ) OsSpecific   Depends on the OS: Lists the udev rules for Linux; Nothing for Windows
Use --explain [name|id] to get more information about a category!

You can call further information on each category with --explain.

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