IDS Peak comfortSDK, genericSDK, IPL, and AFL developer manuals are external documents. Please contact us if you need them.
IDS peak comfortSDK: C
Sample |
Beschreibung |
configure_camera_gfa |
Demonstrates the 'generic feature access' which allows direct access to the camera's NodeMap. |
firmware_update |
Demonstrates how to update cameras using a GUF file and how to be informed about the update progress. To use this example, download a GUF file for your specific camera model. Start the example and pass the path to the GUF file as first argument. Then a list of updateable devices will be displayed. After a confirmation prompt, the compatible devices will be updated. The update progress is displayed in the terminal. |
i2c |
Demonstrates the use of the I2C function. To use this example, you need a camera that supports I2C: •U3 models (requires USB3 Vision firmware 3.20 or higher) oPCB version uEye+ LE USB 3.1 Rev. 1.2 ouEye+ LE USB 3.1 Rev. 1.2 AF oUSB 3 uEye+ ACP Rev. 1.2 •GV models (requires GigE Vision firmware 3.20 or higher) oGigE uEye+ ACP Rev. 1.2 •UI models (requires IDS peak 2.7 or higher) oPCB version uEye LE USB 3.1 Gen 1 oPCB version USB 3 uEye LE oPCB version USB uEye LE oGigE uEye LE |
inference |
Demonstrates the inference feature in IDS peak: •Loading a CNN (convolutional neural network) with IDS peak. •Running the CNN on a captured image. •Readout the results. Note: a CNN especially trained for IDS peak is required. Use IDS lighthouse to generate such a CNN or use one of the sample neural networks in the directory <IDS peak installation>/cnn. |
ipl_features_live_qtwidgets |
Shows the use of IDS peak IPL functions for image manipulation in IDS peak comfortSDK. The example uses QtWidgets for this. |
Demonstrates the use of camera-based and host-based events in a simple GUI. The example uses QtWidgets for this. 1.Click on "Open camera". 2.Select a camera. 3.Enable at least one event. 4.Start the image acquisition. |
reconnect |
Opens the first available uEye+ camera and starts image acquisition. If you disconnect the camera, this is detected and signaled. If you reconnect the camera, this will also be detected and image acquisition will start again. This example can also be used in combination with the uEye transport layer for uEye cameras (UI models). |
record_video |
Gets the camera list and opens a camera after user selection. After the user enters the path and the name of the video file, 100 images are acquired and the video is saved. Afterwards, the camera is closed again. |
sequencer_qtwidgets |
This example requires a camera that supports the Sequencer feature. The example allows to parameterize 4 sequencer sets and to execute them in trigger mode. The following parameters can be used: •Exposure time •Gains (master gain, red gain, green gain, and blue gain) •Height, width, offsetX, and offsetY The example uses QtWidgets for this. |
simple_live_mfc |
Opens a camera and displays the live image. The example uses MFC for this. |
simple_live_qtwidgets |
Opens a camera and displays the live image. The example uses QtWidgets for this. |
trigger_live_qtwidgets |
Shows the use of triggered acquisition and setting trigger parameters like trigger delay etc. The example uses QtWidgets for this. |
walkthrough |
Gets the camera list and opens the first available camera. The frame rate is set to maximum and 100 images are acquired. Afterwards the camera is closed again. |
IDS peak genericSDK: C++
Sample |
Description |
afl_features_live_qtwidgtes |
Opens a camera and shows the use of the IDS peak AFL to control the host-side autofocus functions. The example uses a QtWidgets GUI that also provides a method to set the autofocus ROI by drawing a box in the image. |
chunks_live_qml |
Opens a camera and shows the use of chunk data via the IDS peak API. The example uses QML (Qt Meta-object Language) for this. |
chunks_live_qtwidgets |
Opens a camera and shows the use of chunk data via the IDS peak API. The example uses QtWidgets for this. |
device_tree |
Builds and updates a module tree and opens a camera. |
firmware_update |
Demonstrates how to update cameras using a GUF file and how to be informed about the update progress. To use this example, download a GUF file for your specific camera model. Start the example and pass the path to the GUF file as first argument. Then a list of updateable devices will be displayed. After a confirmation prompt, the compatible devices will be updated. The update progress is displayed in the terminal. |
get_first_pixel |
Opens a camera and writes the first pixel for a defined number of images to the command line. •Test whether an open camera can capture images •Based on the pixel values you can perform a first validation (light/dark) |
host_auto_features_live_qtwidgets |
Opens a camera and shows the use of automatic exposure, gain and white balance algorithms (host based). The example uses QtWidgets for this. |
lego_trigger |
Implements different trigger cases from the Techtip “Triggering according to the Lego principle”. Note: When exiting the sample, the camera remains in trigger mode. If you want to use the camera in freerun mode afterwards, load the "Default" UserSet or set all TriggerMode entries to "Off". |
linescan_live_qtwidgets |
Opens a camera and configures it for line scan applications. The example uses QtWidgets for this. Note: When exiting the sample, the camera remains in line scan mode. If you want to use the camera in default mode afterward, load the "Default" UserSet. |
multi_camera_live_qtwidgets |
Opens several cameras and displays the live image. In addition, different information per camera is displayed, e.g. number of acquired images. |
open_camera |
Opens a camera and reads out some camera nodes. •Test whether a camera can be found and opened. |
open_camera_by_serno |
Opens a camera with a specific serial number and reads some camera nodes. |
open_camera_load_userset_default |
Opens a camera. Then, the user set "Default" is loaded and activated. |
open_camera_select_cti |
Opens a camera with a specific CTI and reads some camera nodes. |
reconnect_callbacks |
Opens the first available uEye+ camera and starts image acquisition. If you disconnect the camera, this is detected and signaled. If you reconnect the camera, this will also be detected and image acquisition will start again. This example can also be used in combination with the uEye transport layer for uEye cameras (UI models). |
remote_device_events |
Demonstrate usage of "RemoteDeviceEvents" by activating and displaying "ExposureStart" event during continuous image acquisition. Note: This sample requires firmware version 2.8 or higher. |
save_images_live_qtwidgets |
Opens a camera and displays the live image. The example uses QtWidgets for this. At the push of a button, a single image can be saved using IDS peak IPL. |
sequencer_live_qml |
This example requires a camera that supports the Sequencer feature. The example allows to parameterize 4 sequencer sets and to execute them in trigger mode. The following parameters can be used: •Exposure time •Gains (AnalogAll, DigitalAll, DigitalRed, DigitalGreen, DigitalBlue) •Height, width, offsetX, and offsetY Note: When existing the sample the camera remains in Sequencer mode. If you want to use the camera in default mode afterwards, load the "Default" UserSet. |
simple_live_qml |
Opens a camera and displays the live image. The example uses QML (Qt Meta-object Language) for this. |
simple_live_qtwidgets |
Opens a camera and displays the live image. The example uses QtWidgets for this. |
walkthrough |
Shows in detail how to handle cameras and features with the help of the IDS peak API. |
IDS peak genericSDK: C#
Sample |
Description |
firmware_update |
Demonstrates how to update cameras using a GUF file and how to be informed about the update progress. To use this example, download a GUF file for your specific camera model. Start the example and pass the path to the GUF file as first argument. Then a list of updateable devices will be displayed. After a confirmation prompt, the compatible devices will be updated. The update progress is displayed in the terminal. |
open_camera |
Opens a camera and reads out some camera nodes. •Test whether a camera can be found and opened. |
reconnect_callbacks |
Opens the first available uEye+ camera and starts image acquisition. If you disconnect the camera, this is detected and signaled. If you reconnect the camera, this will also be detected and image acquisition will start again. This example can also be used in combination with the uEye transport layer for uEye cameras (UI models). This example is provided as Microsoft Visual Studio project file (*.csproj). |
simple_live_windows_forms |
Opens a camera and displays the live image. The example uses Windows Forms. |
simple_live_wpf |
Opens a camera and displays the live image. The example uses Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). |
IDS peak genericSDK: Python
Sample |
Description |
firmware_update |
Demonstrates how to update cameras using a GUF file and how to be informed about the update progress. To use this example, download a GUF file for your specific camera model. Start the example and pass the path to the GUF file as first argument. Then a list of updateable devices will be displayed. After a confirmation prompt, the compatible devices will be updated. The update progress is displayed in the terminal. |
open_camera |
Opens a camera and reads out some camera nodes. •Test whether a camera can be found and opened. |
reconnect_callbacks |
Opens the first available uEye+ camera and starts image acquisition. If you disconnect the camera, this is detected and signaled. If you reconnect the camera, this will also be detected and image acquisition will start again. This example can also be used in combination with the uEye transport layer for uEye cameras (UI models). |
record_video_and_change_parameter |
Uses the IDS peak genericAPI to show you how to set camera parameters, start/stop image acquisition and capture a video with IDS peak IPL. |
simple_live_qtwidgets |
Opens a camera and displays the live image. The example uses QtWidgets for this. |
start_stop_acquisition_software_trigger |
Shows how to start/stop image acquisition and how to capture images using a software trigger. |
If a camera is password protected and not unlocked for the current PC (camera status: locked), the following will fail: •Write access to registers (set value, execute), e.g. when loading the UserSet "Default". •Opening the DataStreams. |