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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

Fig. 98: IDS Camera Manager - Additional functions

Fig. 98: IDS Camera Manager - Additional functions

In the "Multicast" area, you activate the multicast mode. You can add a virtual multicast camera if the corresponding GigE uEye camera is operated in multicast mode. The prerequisite is that the camera was configured for multicast mode via the manual ETH configuration.


The multicast function is supported by driver 4.50 for the first time.

The camera models UI-526xCP, UI-536xCP, and UI-537xCP of the GigE uEye CP camera family do not support the multicast mode.

Adding a virtual multicast camera

1.Click on "Additional functions".

2.Activate the option "Enable read-only multicast".

3.Select the GigE uEye camera in the camera list of the IDS Camera Manager.

4.Select "Add read-only device" in the right-click menu.

5.Set a camera ID for the virtual multicast camera.

6.Define an error handling for the virtual multicast camera. (An image is transferred in multiple packets over the network. Under certain circumstances single packets may be lost.)

oRefuse incomplete images: Incorrect received images are discarded.

oIgnore image errors: Image errors are ignored, that means not received image parts are black.

oMerge mode - Release on complete: If a packet loss occurs the image display is delayed until all packets have been received again.

oMerge mode - Release on new image: New images are displayed immediately. For missing packets the previous image data is used.

7.Click on the "Add read-only device" button.

The virtual multicast camera is added to the camera list as type "PMC". You can only open the virtual multicast camera as a client if the GigE uEye camera is opened by the master PC.


If you add or remove a virtual multicast camera, you must restart other programs like uEye Cockpit or a second IDS Camera Manager.

The following restrictions apply to multicast cameras:

The persistent IP address of the GigE uEye camera must be in the subnet of the network adapter. Possible clients of the virtual multicast camera must also be in this subnet.

If the master changes the camera settings, these changes also apply on the image of the clients. The clients can only change camera-independent functions (e. g. software gamma or software LUT).

The software hot pixel correction does not work on client PCs.

If multicast mode is enabled, this may affect the performance of the API application.


If using a firewall the rules must be set in that way that the application can receive network packets.

The distribution of the image packets takes place in the network and lost image packets are not forwarded so image may be lost without notification in the virtual multicast camera. The better the transmission quality in the network is, the more reliable operates the multicast mode.

Security programs (e. g. antivirus programs) may have a negative impact on the performance of virtual multicast cameras.

Removing virtual multicast cameras

1.Select the virtual multicast camera in the camera list.

2.Click on "Delete" in the right-click menu.

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