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Multi integration mode

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The multi integration mode of the 2 MP CMOS sensor from e2v used in the USB 3 uEye camera series opens up exciting new opportunities in machine vision. In multi integration mode, the sensor is exposed multiple times within an image. As a result, extremely short integration durations within the set exposure time are possible, which can be used to capture even fast moving objects.

Fig. 29: Image of a moving object that was captured using multi integration mode

Fig. 29: Image of a moving object that was captured using multi integration mode

Until now, there were two ways of capturing an image like this for analyzing speed, for example: using either a high-speed flash or a high-speed camera. A high-speed flash is complex to install and is heavily dependent on the lighting conditions. A high-speed camera is extremely expensive and takes several images, which need to be included in the analysis.

The advantage of multi integration mode, compared to these two methods, is that it is easy to use, does not require a high-speed camera, and can even be used in critical lighting conditions. Furthermore, only a single image is needed for the speed analysis.

You find more information on the multi integration mode in the TechTip "Multi exposed".

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