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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

Area scan sensor (matrix)

The sensors of area scan cameras have a matrix of many (usually between several hundred and several thousand) rows and columns of pixels. State-of-the-art area scan sensors use only square pixels with a consistent pixel pitch.

Area scan cameras are suitable for applications in which stationary or moving objects should be captured as completely as possible in one image capture.

Line scan mode

In some applications, however, it is necessary to read out and transfer only one sensor line instead of the entire sensor area. This applies, for example, to endless web inspection systems. These systems often use line scan cameras for this reason. Their sensors have only one pixel row, which they can read out at very high speeds in the kilohertz (kHz) range.

Some uEye models have area scan sensors that optionally also offer a line scan mode. This mode can read out any pixel row of the sensor at high speed. There are two line scan modes to distinguish: fast line scan and IDS line scan ("AOI merge mode").

Fast line scan

In this mode, the sensor achieves very high line scan rates. Several hundred to thousand lines are combined and transferred in one frame. The camera can be triggered on the beginning of a frame, but not on each individual line. You can choose any line of the area scan sensor for the line scan mode. Color images are not supported in this mode because Bayer color sensors need at least two neighboring lines for color calculation.


The fast line scan mode is currently only supported by the monochrome models UI-124x/UI-324x/UI-524x and UI-125x/UI-325x/UI-525x (see Using the line scan mode).

IDS line scan ("AOI merge mode")

This mode uses a special AOI which captures for monochrome sensors at least an AOI height of 1 line (or more) and for color sensors an AOI height of 2 lines (or more). Multiple of these AOIs are merged to an image and transferred. In this mode color images are possible as for Bayer color sensors 2 lines are used.

In this mode, a maximum image height of 8000 lines is possible depending on the model. That means that the number of AOIs which are merged to an image depends on the currently set AOI height (AOI merge mode height) and the camera model.

Example: The AOI height is 1 line for a monochrome sensor. That means that the image is composed of 8000 "merged" AOIs. If the AOI height is 10 lines, the image is composed of 800 "merged" AOIs.


The IDS line scan ("AOI merge mode") is currently supported by the following models:


UI-304xCP Rev. 2/UI-304xSE/UI-504xCP Rev. 2/UI-504xFA/UI-504xSE Rev. 4

UI-306xCP Rev. 2/UI-306xSE

UI-307xCP Rev. 2/UI-307xSE

UI-308xCP Rev. 2/UI-308xSE


UI-313xCP Rev. 2/UI-513xCP Rev. 2/UI-513xFA/UI-513xSE Rev. 4

UI-314xCP Rev. 2/UI-514xCP Rev. 2/UI-514xFA/UI-514xSE Rev. 4

UI-316xCP Rev. 2.1

UI-318xCP Rev. 2.1


UI-520xFA/UI-520xSE Rev. 4 (max. 7000 lines)

UI-324xCP Rev. 2/UI-324xLE/UI-324xML/UI-524xCP Rev. 2/UI-524xFA/UI-524xSE Rev. 4

UI-325xCP Rev. 2/UI-325xLE/UI-325xML/UI-525xCP Rev. 2/UI-525xFA/UI-525xSE Rev. 4

UI-326xCP Rev. 2/UI-326xSE/UI-526xCP Rev. 2/UI-526xFA/UI-526xSE Rev. 4

UI-327xCP Rev. 2/UI-527xCP Rev. 2/UI-527xFA/UI-527xSE Rev. 4

UI-328xCP Rev. 2/UI-328xSE/UI-528xCP Rev. 2/UI-528xFA/UI-528xSE Rev. 4


UI-529xFA/UI-529xSE Rev. 4 (max. 7000 lines)

UI-336xCP Rev. 2

UI-337xCP Rev. 2/UI-337xSE/UI-537xCP Rev. 2

UI-386xCP Rev. 2/UI-386xSE/UI-586xCP Rev. 2/UI-586xFA/UI-586xSE Rev. 4

UI-388xCP Rev. 2/UI-388xSE/UI-588xCP Rev. 2/UI-588xFA/UI-588xSE Rev. 4

UI-524xCP/UI-524xSE (in freerun mode only)

UI-526xCP (in freerun or software trigger mode only)

UI-536xCP (in freerun or software trigger mode only)

UI-537xCP (in freerun or software trigger mode only)

See also:

uEye Cockpit: Properties > Vertical AOI Merge Mode

uEye Cockpit: Properties > Shutter


Function: is_DeviceFeature()

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