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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

Via the menu uEye > Sharpness measure AOI or via the Toolbar you can measure the image sharpness of an selected AOI. To get a sharpness value the edges in the image are evaluated. The sharpness can only be indicated as a relative value as it depends on the edges in the current image. An image with few edges can never achieve the same sharpness value as an image with many edges (see is_Measure()).

Note in triggered mode that you first define the sharpness measuring area and then capture the image.


First define the AOI of the camera and in the second step the sharpness measuring areas. If you change the AOI of the camera by setting another AOI or changing an AOI, already defined sharpness measurement areas are automatically deleted.

The higher the value, the better the sharpness. The value can be used in comparative measurements to detect changes in the image acquisition of the same object, e.g. caused by readjusted lenses.

Up to 5 independent sharpness measurement ranges can be defined..

Click on Measure_Sharpness to define a new sharpness measurement AOI.

Click on Measure_Sharpness_Clear to clear all defined sharpness measurement AOIs.

Each sharpness measurement AOI has a red "X" at the top right, with which the AOI can be removed individually.

The current and the maximum sharpness value of the AOI are displayed in the left bottom of the sharpness measurement AOI. A red value indicates that the measured sharpness is insufficient.

Fig. 109: Measuring the image sharpness

Fig. 109: Measuring the image sharpness


The performance of the image display may be reduced depending on the selected color format and the size of the defined sharpness measurement ranges.

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