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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

Navigation: B: Operation > Installation and connection > Connecting a GigE uEye camera

Network settings and IP configuration of the GigE uEye

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IP configuration and DHCP

Before you can use the GigE uEye camera on the network, you need to assign a valid IP address to the camera. The IP address is assigned in the IDS Camera Manager. When manually assigning an IP address to the camera, please make sure that the camera is on the same subnet as the connected PC.

The PC network card can be configured in different ways:

1.PC network card with fixed (persistent) IP address (recommended)
The network card has a fixed IP address. The IDS Camera Manager reads the network card's IP address and uses it to create a valid address range from which an IP address can be automatically assigned to a GigE uEye (see also Automatic ETH configuration).

2.PC network card with DHCP, DHCP host exists
The network card dynamically receives its IP address from an external device (the DHCP host). When using this configuration method, please make sure that the auto IP range used by the IDS Camera Manager and the address range maintained by the DHCP host do not overlap. Select a high lease time (ideally infinite) to ensure that the address assigned by the DHCP host cannot change during camera operation. The assignment of a new IP address during operation of the GigE uEye camera will cause communication failure between the PC and the camera.

3.PC network card with DHCP, no DHCP host exists
The network card is configured for DHCP assignment of the IP address, but there is no DHCP host. (This may be the case, for example, when you disconnect a laptop from the LAN in order to connect it to a GigE uEye instead.) In this case, the system assigns a link local address in the range between and after the relevant timeout expires. Assigning the new address may take up to a minute. You can then configure the GigE uEye by using configuration method 1 described above.

Advanced settings

For operating GigE uEye cameras, we recommend setting the value for the receive descriptors of the network connection to the maximum value. Please note that not all network cards provide this option.
To set the receive descriptors, select "Start > Settings > Network Connections". Right-click on the network connection and choose "Properties". Switch to the "Advanced" tab in the dialog box and click the "Configure…" button. You can now set the receive descriptors (Rx/Tx).

The UDP protocol is required for communication between the GigE uEye cameras and the computer. Ports 50000 … 50003 must be available for this purpose.

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