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IDS Software Suite 4.96.1

Subsampling is a technique that skips multiple sensor pixels when reading out image data. This reduces the amount of data to be transferred and enables higher camera frame rates. The captured image has a lower resolution but still the same field of view compared to the full-resolution image. This mode can be used as a fast preview mode for high-resolution cameras.

Color subsampling as performed by most color sensors skips pixels while maintaining colors (see illustration). For some monochrome sensors, the camera also performs color subsampling, resulting in slight artifacts.

Monochrome sensors and some color sensors ignore the Bayer pattern and the color information gets lost (mono subsampling).

Depending on the model, uEye cameras support different subsampling factors. Subsampling of horizontal and vertical pixels can be enabled independently.

The Camera and sensor datas chapter lists the subsampling methods and factors supported by each camera model.

Fig. 34: Subsampling on monochrome sensors

Fig. 34: Subsampling on monochrome sensors

Fig. 35: Subsampling on color sensors

Fig. 35: Subsampling on color sensors

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