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USB 2.0 USB 3.x GigE |
USB 2.0 USB 3.x GigE |
INT is_DirectRenderer (HIDS hCam, UINT nMode, void* pParam, UINT nSize)
Note on using the function under Linux The is_DirectRenderer() functions works under Linux only in OpenGL mode. |
is_DirectRenderer() provides a set of advanced rendering functions and allows inserting overlay data into the camera's live image without flicker. The graphics card functions of the Direct3D library are supported under Windows.
The second input parameter nMode specifies the effect of the is_DirectRenderer() call.
The value of the third parameter pParam depends on the mode selected with nMode: For example, when setting the overlay size (nMode = DR_SET_OVERLAY_SIZE), a pointer to an array of two values (x and y) is passed (see code samples). When you load a bitmap image (nMode = DR_LOAD_OVERLAY_FROM_FILE), pParam passes the path to the file (see code samples). The required parameters are illustrated in the sample codes at the end of this section.
Note on system requirements •To use the Direct3D functionality, the appropriate version of the Microsoft DirectX Runtime has to be installed in your PC. •When you are using high-resolution cameras, the maximum texture size supported by the graphics card should be at least 4096 x 4096 pixels. You can check the maximum texture size by reading out the DR_GET_MAX_OVERLAY_SIZE parameter. •The Direct3D mode automatically uses the Windows Desktop color depth setting for the display. Please also read the notes on graphics cards which are provided in the System requirements chapter. |
Note on displaying monochrome or raw data formats To display monchrome or Bayer raw data in Direct3D, please set the appropriate constants using the is_SetDisplayMode() function. |
The nCommand input parameter is used to select the function mode. The pParam input parameter depends on the selected function mode. If you select functions for setting or returning a value, pParam contains a pointer to a variable of the UINT type. The size of the memory area to which pParam refers is specified in the nSizeOfParam input parameter.
Input parameters
hCam |
Camera handle |
pParam |
Pointer to a function parameter, whose function depends on nCommand. |
nSize |
Size (in bytes) of the data object or array. |
Return values
IS_DR_DEVICE_CAPS_INSUFFICIENT The graphics hardware does not fully support the uEye Direct3D functions. |
The image surface or overlay surface could not be created. |
The texture could not be created. |
The vertex buffer could not be created. |
Could not get the device context handle for the overlay. |
The overlay surface could not be locked. |
Could not release the device context handle for the overlay. |
The overlay surface could not be unlocked. |
Function is not supported by the graphics hardware. |
Not enough graphics memory available. |
A device context handle is still open in the application. |
Invalid camera handle |
One of the submitted parameters is outside the valid range or is not supported for this sensor or is not available in this mode. |
General error message |
The camera model used here does not support this function or setting. |
Function executed successfully |
A timeout occurred. An image capturing process could not be terminated within the allowable period. |
Related functions
if (is_DirectRenderer(m_pMainView->GetCameraHandle(), DR_GET_SUPPORTED,
(void*)&nType, sizeof(nType)) == IS_SUCCESS)
// Direct3D is supported
if (is_DirectRenderer(m_pMainView->GetCameraHandle(), DR_GET_SUPPORTED,
(void*)&nType, sizeof(nType)) == IS_SUCCESS)
// OpenGL is supported
// DC-Handle
// Get DC handle for Overlay
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_GET_OVERLAY_DC, (void*)&hDC, sizeof (hDC));
// Release DC handle
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_RELEASE_OVERLAY_DC, NULL, NULL);
Example overlay size and position
// Size of overlay
// Query maximum size of overlay area
UINT OverlaySize[2];
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_GET_MAX_OVERLAY_SIZE,
(void*)OverlaySize, sizeof(OverlaySize));
INT nWidth = OverlaySize[0];
INT nHeight = OverlaySize[1];
// Set size of overlay area
UINT Size[2];
Size[0] = 100;
Size[1] = 120;
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_SET_OVERLAY_SIZE,
(void*)Size, sizeof (Size));
// Set position of overlay area
UINT Position[2];
Position[0] = 20;
Position[1] = 0;
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_SET_OVERLAY_POSITION,
void*)Position, sizeof (Position));
// Key color
// Get current key color
UINT OverlayKeyColor[3];
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_GET_OVERLAY_KEY_COLOR,
(void*)OverlayKeyColor, sizeof(OverlayKeyColor));
INT nRed = OverlayKeyColor[0];
INT nGreen = OverlayKeyColor[1];
INT nBlue = OverlayKeyColor[2];
// Set new key color
OverlayKeyColor[0] = GetRValue(m_rgbKeyColor);
OverlayKeyColor[1] = GetGValue(m_rgbKeyColor);
OverlayKeyColor[2] = GetBValue(m_rgbKeyColor);
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_SET_OVERLAY_KEY_COLOR,
(void*)OverlayKeyColor, sizeof(OverlayKeyColor));
// Display
// Show overlay
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_SHOW_OVERLAY, NULL, NULL);
// Hide overlay
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_HIDE_OVERLAY, NULL, NULL);
// Scaling
// Enable scaling
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_ENABLE_SCALING, NULL, NULL);
// Disable scaling
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_DISABLE_SCALING, NULL, NULL);
// Transparency
// Enable semi-transparent overlay
// Disable semi-transparent overlay
// Synchronization
// Enable auto-synchronization
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_SET_VSYNC_AUTO, NULL, NULL);
// User defined synchronization: Query range and set position
UINT UserSync[2];
(void*)UserSync, sizeof (UserSync));
INT Min = UserSync[0];
INT Max = UserSync[1];
INT SyncPosition = 400;
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_SET_USER_SYNC,
void*)&SyncPosition, sizeof (SyncPosition));
// Disable synchronization
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_SET_VSYNC_OFF, NULL, NULL);
// BMP file
// Load overlay from BMP file
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_LOAD_OVERLAY_FROM_FILE,
(void*)”c:\test.bmp”, NULL);
// Delete overlay
// Delete overlay area
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_CLEAR_OVERLAY, NULL, NULL);
// Steal mode
// Get and set color mode for image to be copied
INT nColorMode;
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_GET_STEAL_FORMAT,
(void*)&nColorMode, sizeof (nColorMode));
nColorMode = IS_CM_MONO8;
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_SET_STEAL_FORMAT,
void*)&nColorMode, sizeof (nColorMode));
// Copy image with function returning immediately
is_DirectRenderer(hCam, DR_STEAL_NEXT_FRAME,
(void*)&wait, sizeof (wait));
// Handle to window
// Set new window handle for image display
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_SET_HWND,
(void*)&hWnd, sizeof (hWnd));
// Compatibility
// Check graphics card compatibility
INT nRet = is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY, NULL, NULL);
// Graphics card does not support Direct3D
Example OpenGL under Linux
//OpenGL initialisieren
display.pDisplay = NULL;
display.nWindowID = 0 /* fenster id */
is_InitCamera(&hCam, (void*)&display);
Example under Linux (with usage of the Cairo library)
UINT Size[2] = { 480, 480 };
is_DirectRenderer (hCam, DR_SET_OVERLAY_SIZE, (void*)Size, sizeof (Size));
char *pOverlayBuffer;
is_DirectRenderer(hCam, DR_GET_OVERLAY_DATA, (void*)&pOverlayBuffer, sizeof(pOverlayBuffer));
cairo_surface_t *surface = 0;
cairo_t *cr = 0;
int w, h;
w = Size[0];
h = Size[1];
surface = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(buffer, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h, w * 4);
cr = cairo_create(surface);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, 6);
cairo_rectangle (cr, 12, 12, 232, 70);
cairo_new_sub_path (cr); cairo_arc (cr, 64, 64, 40, 0, 2* 3.14);
cairo_new_sub_path (cr); cairo_arc_negative (cr, 192, 64, 40, 0, -2*3.14);
cairo_set_fill_rule (cr, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0.7, 0); cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); cairo_stroke (cr);
cairo_translate (cr, 0, 128);
cairo_rectangle (cr, 12, 12, 232, 70);
cairo_new_sub_path (cr); cairo_arc (cr, 64, 64, 40, 0, 2*3.14);
cairo_new_sub_path (cr); cairo_arc_negative (cr, 192, 64, 40, 0, -2*3.14);
cairo_set_fill_rule (cr, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0.9); cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); cairo_stroke (cr);
cairo_select_font_face (cr, "Sans", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL,
cairo_set_font_size (cr, 90.0);
cairo_move_to (cr, 10.0, 135.0);
cairo_show_text (cr, "Hello");
cairo_move_to (cr, 70.0, 165.0);
cairo_set_font_size (cr, 150.0);
cairo_text_path (cr, "uEye");
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.5, 0.5, 1);
cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, 2.56);
cairo_stroke (cr);
/* draw helping lines */
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6);
cairo_arc (cr, 10.0, 135.0, 5.12, 0, 2*3.14);
cairo_close_path (cr);
cairo_arc (cr, 70.0, 165.0, 5.12, 0, 2*3.14);
cairo_fill (cr);
cairo_destroy (cr);
cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
// update overlay
is_DirectRenderer(hCam, DR_UPDATE_OVERLAY_DATA, NULL, 0);
Sample programs