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USB 3.x GigE |
USB 3.x GigE |
INT is_TriggerDebounce (HIDS hCam, UINT nCommand, void *pParam, UINT nSizeOfParam)
Using is_TriggerDebounce(), you can suppress disturbances at the trigger input when you are running a uEye camera in trigger mode. (This function cannot be used if GPIO is used for triggering.) The signal at the trigger input is only recognized as a trigger if the signal level remains constant at the target level for a user-selectable time. The signal edge and a delay (DELAY_TIME) can be set as parameters. It is recommend to use automatic signal edge selection.
Example: Mode set to "rising edge" (TRIGGER_DEBOUNCE_MODE_RISING_EDGE) and delay set to 50 µs. The camera will not trigger the image capture on the rising edge until the digital signal has remained at the high level for longer than 50 µs without interruption. If this is not the case, the signal is regarded as a disturbance and ignored.
The nCommand input parameter is used to select the function mode. The pParam input parameter depends on the selected function mode. If you select functions for setting or returning a value, pParam contains a pointer to a variable of the UINT type. The size of the memory area to which pParam refers is specified in the nSizeOfParam input parameter.
is_TriggerDebounce() delays the start of a triggered image capture by the selected time (DELAY_TIME). |
This function is currently only supported by the USB 3 and GigE uEye camera series but not by the UI-359xLE camera model or the uEye LE USB 3.1 Gen 1 camera family. |
Input parameters
hCam |
Camera handle |
pParam |
Pointer to a function parameter, whose function depends on nCommand. |
nSizeOfParam |
Size (in bytes) of the memory area to which pParam refers. |
Disables debouncing the trigger input. |
Debounces the trigger input for falling edge signals. |
Debounces the trigger input for rising edge signals. |
Debounces the trigger input for rising or falling edge signals. |
Debounces the trigger input with automatic edge selection (recommended). The edge is selected based on the set trigger edge (see is_SetExternalTrigger()). |
Return values
Communication with the driver failed because no driver has been loaded. |
An attempt to initialize or select the camera failed (no camera connected or initialization error). |
Invalid camera handle |
One of the submitted parameters is outside the valid range or is not supported for this sensor or is not available in this mode. |
An IO request from the uEye driver failed. Possibly the versions of the ueye_api.dll (API) and the driver file (ueye_usb.sys or ueye_eth.sys) do not match. |
General error message |
The camera model used here does not support this function or setting. |
Function executed successfully |
Related functions
INT nRet = is_TriggerDebounce(hCam, TRIGGER_DEBOUNCE_CMD_SET_MODE, (void*)&value, sizeof(value));
if(IS_SUCCESS != nRet)
// handle error here