Each color format supported by the uEye camera defines a different memory format. The following table shows the byte arrangement in memory:
Note on obsolete parameters The following parameters for color formats are obsolete and should no longer be used (see also is_SetColorMode()): •IS_SET_CM_RGB32 •IS_SET_CM_RGB24 •IS_SET_CM_RGB16 •IS_SET_CM_RGB15 •IS_CM_UYVY_MONO_PACKED •IS_CM_UYVY_BAYER_PACKED •IS_CM_BAYER_RG8 (identical to IS_CM_SENSOR_RAW8) •IS_CM_BAYER_RG12 (identical to IS_CM_SENSOR_RAW12) •IS_CM_BAYER_RG16 (identical to IS_CM_SENSOR_RAW16) •IS_CM_BGR555_PACKED (has been renamed to IS_CM_BGR5_PACKED) •IS_CM_RGB12_PACKED (has been renamed to IS_CM_RGB12_UNPACKED) •IS_CM_RGBA12_PACKED (has been renamed to IS_CM_RGBA12_UNPACKED) •IS_CM_BGR12_PACKED (has been renamed to IS_CM_BGR12_UNPACKED) •IS_CM_BGRA12_PACKED (has been renamed to IS_CM_BGRA12_UNPACKED) |
Fig. 704: Colour and memory formats
An asterisk (*) identifies formats which are filled starting with the most significant bit (MSB) but which may have less than the indicated number of payload bits, depending on the camera model.
For the IS_CM_BGR565_PACKED and IS_CM_BGR5_PACKED data formats, the MSBs of the internal 8-bit R, G and B colors are used.
The list above does not contain the IS_CM_RGB8_PLANAR color format. In planar RGB the image is saved as 8 bit RGB. The channels red, green, and blue are stored separately, i.e. first all red information, then all green information and at last all blue information are saved. |
The first pixel in the first line with the index (0,0) is always a red pixel at color cameras. Exceptions is UI-336x/UI-536x and UI-337x/UI-537x as this sensor transfer an upside-down image (see UI-336x/UI-536x application notes and UI-337x/UI-537x application notes).